Cory is still in the hospital
Well, last night Leland came to visit and the Dr came in and told Cory to go home an that he would have some more tests outpatient (the insurance was giving him the boot since everything came back negative. Well, he showered and got dressed and was standing in the hall waiting for the dutiful aid to walk us out and he collapsed in my arms again. I called over to one of the nurses who was about five feet from us and she went to get a wheelchair. Another nurse came and said, here why don't you walk back to the room and sit for a few minutes before you go home. Momma Bear came out at this point and said that he wasn't walking anywhere, that he will go in a wheel chair when the nurse gets it over here and that he is NOT GOING HOME tonight. So, we stayed the night again. The cardiologist came in this morning and said that his heart tests all looked good but they wanted to do one called a tilt test (one of the things they were going to have him do sometime when we could schedule it as an outpatient)... so he had that this morning where he is strapped to a bed that puts you in different positions to determine if anything changes when you are moved to a different position. Laying his BP was about 135/75 then they stood him up and said that he would be in that position for 20 minutes. Well, after 89 minutes they said he started looking funny, turned pale, and his eyes were rolling back. His blood pressure at that point was 90/40 but his heart rate was still the same. They said that it is normal for a person's BP to go down a couple of points when they stand but if it is any more than a couple of points, your heart rate should increase to pump the blood faster to make up for the lack of pressure. Well, his heart rate didn't change one iota. So, from what I can gather, when this happens, he isn't getting enough blood to his brain and he loses consciousness. It is VERY VERY SCAREY.
I am just home for a few minutes to let the dogs out and then will head back to the hospital as I want to be there when any doctors come.
Please keep praying for us. We are very scared, to say the least.
Hi Patti,
I am Dana... I worked in the ER for 7 yrs till October when we decided for me to stay home with the baby. The tilt terst results sound questionable.... 90/40 seems like a big drop to me. I will keep you guys in my prayers and PLEASE continue to speak up to the nurses and doctors. If you want to email me, I am here. I will be praying for the two of you !!!