[gulp]..I guess it's REAL, huh?

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/06 8:51 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
G'morning friends ~ It's funny - the things that worry us in life, causes our hearts to jump start with excitement or caution, leaves us exhilarated, excited or just scared! I wonder why it's easier for us (me) to BELIEVE in others ....people, friends, family, etc - so much more resoundingly and quicker then myself? Ive been at goal for about 2 years now, if we go with my surgeons goal, I over shot his by 30 lbs. You would have thought that I would have gone in a LONG time ago to get my wedding rings resized, right? Nah - I just wasn't 'convinced' that this time was for REAL. I finally did it LAST night - it took me 2 years to truly "believe" in myself. To finally feel-think-know-believe that YES this time, I really can control, maintain and keep the weight OFF! My rings had already been sized UP once before, for my wedding day. Last night they took it from an 8 1/2 down to a 6!! For a brief and fleeting moment I was terrified, knowing full well that it would not survive another increase, what if my weight came back? This was a make or break it kinda moment, for me. What a wonderful and liberating sense of freedom - believing in YOURSELF can be!!!!!! I keep staring at my wedding rings and SMILING. I feel like a newlywed again, both in love and LIFE! Enjoy your weekend - mine is off to a great start! ~ Lei
(deactivated member)
on 1/19/06 9:12 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Lei , Sometimes we do forget to believe in ourselves . I know sometimes I really have to stop and look at all that I have accomplished . and I do take big " gulps " . Reminding myself everyday that I have to work at this .. Liberating .. Excilarating .. I know the emotions that you feel .. it has been 20 months as of next week .. and wow .. is all I can say .. Your love for life .. so inpsires me .. I am so glad you are a part of this thang we call Life .. with out it we would all be a little emptier .. Can not WAIT TO SEE YOU !!! Always, Nat
Betsy Anitahug
on 1/19/06 9:29 pm - Danville, VA
Lei...I beleive in you...you are one of my all time inspirations...every chance I get I take people to you profile and it is amazing what you have accomplished...be proud...I know I am...YOu are wonderful and very deserving of that size 6 ring size. I am also proud that I can call you friend...being obese I guess I have been lacking in that department but with this wonderful board I have made so many wonderful friends and I thank God everyday for them. Can't wait to finally meet you. I am a newly postop and still have trouble believing that I can succeed like all of you but I will get there.. Love ya bunches. Hugs Betsy
(deactivated member)
on 1/19/06 9:55 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Lei - I think that is the most important bit of advice you have given - to believe in yourself. I try real hard not to compare my weight loss (it is so dang slow) to anyone elses (thanks to your words of a few weeks ago) and am just thankful I am losing. I dont' have a lot of 'wow' moments, but when I was in church last week I noticed that I could fold my arms all the way across and touch my sides, not just laying somewhere on my stomach, I notice that when I use a shoulder purse, the strap fits where it should, I can cross my legs, I can do some strange yoga poses better, and when I asked for the senior discount at the movie the lady asked to see my id!! Ha ha - I told her she just paid me and to forget it!! The rewards are there, and even if they come in slow, I gotta believe this is such a good thing. Thank you for all you have done for me Lei. You have no idea, I know you don't!! love you!! donna
on 1/19/06 10:23 pm - Charlottesville, VA
What a great way to start my day! Thank you for sharing your story Lei. You are one of the inspirations in my life - your success and your beauty, both inside and out, had such a calming effect on me when I met you in Richmond days before my surgery. I think your attitude is incredible and you'll never have to worry about those rings again.... you are the new Lei and will always be! You work too hard to fail! Have a great weekend and dance a few for me - and thanks for sharing and all that you do for us~ Much love, Tracey
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