Feeling a little scared!
Hi Yvette - We spoke once before. My surgery is with Dr. Moazzez the day before yours. I have gone through exactly the same thing you are talking about. One day I'm scared to death and am afraid I'm making the worst mistake; the next I am elated that I am about to undergo all these wonderful, healthy changes. Today I just happen to be elated. I realized this weekend that I have been so focused on the health benefits that I really hadn't considered the fact that I will actually be able to buy clothes that I like and that look good on me! Have you really considered this yet? Think about it - We are both going to be real hot mama's!!LOL
But for real - I am just focusing on how bad I feel health wise and really how self conscious I am about my size. I had pushed all that to the back of my consciousness for quite a while, but just lately those feelings have resurfaced and I know that I am really sick and tired of being sick and tired - and huge! SO - hang in there girlfriend - see you at the hospital I hope!!