Little Known Facts About the VA Loosers
Should I guess or post my own factoids? I guess you didn't live in a house with 40,000 books.
1.) I went to one of Richard Nixon's inaugural balls, and made my own gown of navy blue satin.
2.) I won a trip to Germany by placing first in VA on a National German Exam, but couldn't go because I got mono.
3.) My local claim to fame: my appearance at a town council meeting regarding one of my dogs was a FRONT PAGE story.
4. ) I lived in Bonn, Germany for 7 years in the 60s.
5.) A few years ago I belonged to a regional K-9 Search and Rescue Team.
OK - Let's see...Kathy - I think your made up one is the 40,000 books in a house...RP....I don't know about the laundry and windows...Lois...I don't know about Richard Nixon's inaugural balls...
1. I group up in a home owned by a Yankee... General Chamberlain.
2. I was invited on the tour bus of Great White (an 80's-90's rock band) in a rest area parking lot.
3. I sang in a rock band called Harbour and the Rogues in the 70's & early 80's
4. One of my best friends from high school starred in League of Their Own with Madonna and Rosie O'Donnell.
5. I hate bubble baths!
Hey, I like the VA board...y'all do fun stuff......hope you don't mind if I hang out here for awhile.
1. I have three grandchildren.
2. I lived near Santa's house in North Pole for 10 years.
3. I met Toby Keith at the Toby Keith Bar and Grill in Las Vegas.
4. My great grandmother was the first woman sheriff in the United States.
5. I always wanted to be a beautician.