Daily Post: Jan. 4th

Kitty Kat
on 1/3/06 8:06 pm - Richmond, VA
Morning VA Buggas- First this am, I want to thank ya'll for posting your info about YOU. It's helpful to me and others to learn more about everyone and how they are doing! I hope there are more that add to the list as I KNOW some are MIA right now! K now onto our day! Yesterday I got in my 2 mile walk last pm. I thought for sure the Rain would stay here all day with the drip, drip drip but was my luck she flew away! It was a chillier evening than normal and go thing as it made me walk a bit faster! Got in all my vitamins and about 70 oz. of fluids. Got in my lots of fruits and veggies and protein! (honestly don't keep count of the protein intake as much as I used to since I'm on a roll with a plan) How will you move your body today? The Clean the House is here so I'll be doing that plus my 2 mile walk this pm. Are/have you taking/taken your vitamins? Already popped 1/2 this am...other 1/2 this pm Are/have you getting/gotten in your fluids? Working on my 24 oz. of 7-11 10/10 coffee Are/have you getting/gotten in your foods (and the good ones)? Breakfast is coming shortly! Lunch with be some cheese wrapped in sliced deli meat with a bit of mayo and some fruit. Dinner: ahhh well Stouffer's is making us some Lasagna! Hugs-Kitty Kat Keep this going ya'll! Every tip, suggestion and day to day play by play is helping not just me but EVERYONE pre-op and post-op. It gives us new things to try and encouragement. A lil' feller hanging upside down on my desk calendar says "Hold on tight, I have a feeling this is going to be your year!" -Twisted Whiskers-Jan 4th
on 1/3/06 8:34 pm - Chesterfield, VA
This daily posting is good for me too... keeps me focused even more, and a little accountable... that's a good thing! Here goes: Yesterday I went to physical therapy for the first time and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be... no ouchy... but exhausting. I came home and took a nap, and then fell asleep by 9pm! Today I'm meeting a surgery sister for coffee for the first time (EXCITING) and then more physical therapy at noon. When I go back to work next week, hopefully I'll get into a better routine, but I keep forgetting to eat! Yesterday, I was about to leave for PT and realized I hadn't eaten anything yet! It was 9:30am and I'd been up since 5am. I sip on coffee (maybe 1 cup every other day,) water, decaf ice tea, and crystal light all day, except right after eating. Yesterday I had 1/2 6oz cup of yogurt, 2 oz salmon and 1 T of mashed potatoes and 1 T chopped spinach, 4 reduced-fat wheat thins spread with about 1 T creamy peanut butter, and 2 sea scallops. Other than PT (which is not cardio at all, mostly stretching), my exercise has mostly been housework and sorting my closet/clothes. I've gone walking a few times with my husband, but I have a hard time making myself exercise. I've got to find something to do that I like! I think I'll go look for an old "Sweatin' to the oldies" video that I used to like with Richard Simmons. Been doing good with the vitamins. Have forgotten only once or twice to take PM vitamin. Right now I'm taking: AM chewable multi-vitamin A&D (cod liver oil) B-12 PM chewable multi-vitamin This is the suggestion of my doctor... I think she may add more on my next visit. Have a WONDERFUL day everyone!!! Tammy PS: love the kitty talk... as my baby kitty climbs up on my chest for pettings
on 1/3/06 8:57 pm - Richmond, VA
Hi there! I will jump on this bandwagon even thought i am pre pre pre op I am actually moving today (unlike yesterday). I think the weather got to me yesterday and I was lazy ( BAD BAD I know). I had to work today so that means I had to get up and out of the house! Tonight I will be cleaning house and washing clothes. As far as vitamins - I am currently not taking any - but which ones would you suggest a pre op to take? I am increasing my water in take and as of today i am dropping all sodas! (keeping fingers crossed!) I drink way too much soda a day so as of today no more! Have a Great Day Everyone! ~ Nicole
on 1/3/06 9:26 pm - Wirtz, VA
Hi everyone! I am pre-op too, but am, trying to gradually change the things I KNOW I need to in order to make this a success! I am taking a multi-vitamin (I take One Source at the moment) in order to get into the habit and also to help my body be strong for surgery. The only soda I drink now is diet, but fortunately I was never a soda-junkie before. My problem was lemonade!! I've switched to Crystal-Lite for that though When I feel "hungry", I try to drink something first, it often fights the urge to snack. I'm also trying to incorporate less "fast food" (the frozen type) in exchange for broiled lean meats. I love fruits and veggies too! I have 2 steamers I use for veggies and rice. The hardest part is getting the baby to enjoy them too ;) I also joined the Y and go for a Fitness Orientation tomorrow morning. I know I can't do a lot right now, but at least I will know how to use the equipment properly. My oldest daughter's school finally has a track now, so I also have somewhere close to waddle around, and it lets me spend time with her when she has recess Looking forward to late March!!!!! Elizabeth C.
Jo R.
on 1/4/06 6:27 am - Blackstone, VA
Hi All! I'm coming up on two years post op and didnt even know we had a good olde VA board on here! I was 310 lbs and have been holding now between 175-180 for about a year now. Had many, many, problems with the gastric surgery, so many that my family was told I likely wouldnt make it. But I'm not that easy to get rid of so here I am : ) All I can say is make sure to follow that "gut" feeling if you have one! I am now approved for excess skin removal, hernia repair, and gall bladder removal for Feb. 17. But going to see the PS again because I am making a list of questions for him. This time no stone is left unturned (ah yes, I do learn, just slow lol). I am 41, full time student, going into teaching, & Mom to two rugrats, 11 and 13....the fun years! ****ep the hair dye company in business for sure). Im glad I found you guys, its wonderful to know you all are here!!! ~Jo
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