Good Morning, VA

Betsy Anitahug
on 12/30/05 3:27 am - Danville, VA
Sweet Melannie...thank you for the sweet post. This butterfly is going to break free of this cocoon and fly away to a beautiful life. I am looking forward to such a new beginning. Thank you for your prayers and encouraement...I love you all so much. Hugs, Betsy
on 12/30/05 12:15 am - Northern, VA
Betsy, Sorry for the turmoil and stress in your life right now. Is it his house? Is that why you have to move out? Will you have to change jobs? Just get a good lawyer. Surely after three years you have contributed time, labor and money to this marriage. You deserve an equitable share. Barb
elizabeth b-c
on 12/30/05 1:02 am - Charlottesville, VA
Betsy: You are a wonderful, loving woman, and you will get through this. Keep your chin up and your eyes on the prize...a healthier, happier you. Blessings, elizabeth
Betsy Anitahug
on 12/30/05 3:16 am - Danville, VA
Hi Barb...We bought the house 2 months before we got married but it is in his name along with everything else. I don't work...I am disabled due to multiple mini strokes in 1999. It destroyed my memory and concentration and on top of being blonde...I am in real trouble...hehe. Every penny of my ss disability check has gone into the upkeep of this house. He was very controlling and made sure I never had any cash in my pocket. I don't know why I stayed so long. I think I just wanted to get this surgery over with...I will be fine..called legal aid and hopefully will be able to see them next week. Hugs, Betsy
on 12/30/05 1:10 am - White Post, VA
RNY on 08/30/05 with
Betsy - You are sooooo awesome!!! I have been where you are not once but three other times! You are definitely an butterfly! I can't wait to meet you!!! I have a question for you...will you e-mail me: [email protected] Hugs! Jill
Betsy Anitahug
on 12/30/05 3:29 am - Danville, VA
Jill, Aren't men something else???? I can't wait to meet you also...You are one of my many on the board and so many caring and wonderful people. Thank you so much Hugs, Betsy
on 12/30/05 1:20 am - Barboursville, VA
Betsy Betsy Betsy please let me say Im so so sorry I havent posted before now, I have been so sick I had no clue all this turmoil was going on in your life. PLease except my apoligy, know Im here now and you are in my dailey prayers Im so sorry this man has ask such a thing here at the holidays and after your surgery. But as you have posted God has a plan for you and it will all be for the better. Through him to the curb and kick him good. The best positive in your life now is to show him You didnt need him to begin with and you will be a much better person in the long run. But please take the advice of so many here Take care of you!!! Dont let this pull you down, let it make you stronger. Eat what you are to eat take the vit. and protein. Cause I tell you this tube thing is no fun, and Im counting the hours to get rid of it. But who knows how long Ill have it. God Bless you Betsy big hug to you and Have a Happy New Year as ell as safe. Anything I can do let me know and Im here if you just need to vent, cry whatever it maybe. Love ya friend.....
Betsy Anitahug
on 12/30/05 3:33 am - Danville, VA
Oh, Melinda...YOu have been through so much yourself and I am sorry I haven''t been able to be there with you! I am so happy to know that I have so many wonderful freinds on this board. I thank God for it everyday. So many friends who have gone through as much as I have. It is a big comfort. Being obese is such a struggle. Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts...I love you. Hugs, Betsy
(deactivated member)
on 12/30/05 1:58 am - Fairfax Station, VA
Betsy, I have been on and off this board all morning, but am now just getting to your post. I wish I could just put my arms around you and give you a big hug. I am so sorry you are going through this now, Betsy, but from the sounds of things that you have touched on in the past, I am not surprised. I guess you really weren't either. In remembering Dianna's post a few days ago about her one year anniversary, she mentioned something that really stuck with me -- about not being a doormat anymore. And I thought about it and why we, as obese people, just take so much crap and in some ways, are even thankful for it. I find that since I've lost a little bit of weight I am more assertive, hopefully in a nice way. Like yesterday we picked out blinds and Greg wanted white (as usual -- white this, white that -- it's his favorite color!!) and I stuck to my choice of Bonsai (which is a light fern green). I won!! I was proud of myself. Usually I would just say, it doesn't matter, whatever. And then pout!! You'll be fine Betsy. I can read it in your tone already that you are getting stronger, and that you believe more in yourself and that you know you deserve the best and will find the best. And so what if you don't find a 'mate' right away - big deal, you can just be an independent woman for awhile!! Happy New Year Betsy. The one thing I feel bad about is that you have to take care of yourself at this time, but you are probably feeling well enough that that's not a problem. What a toad by the way, to do that email!! Real classy!! You watch - I bet when you lose a few pounds he'll be banging on your door!! love donna
Betsy Anitahug
on 12/30/05 3:38 am - Danville, VA
Donna, you are such a sweet lady and I love you soo much. Because of you, I do have what I need to have my protein and vitamins...I doubt that my tightwad would have bothered to buy the stuff....again, thank you so much. I am so glad to see you break through and stand up for yourself...we do tend to try to please everyone else feeling we don't matter, but we do...we deserve so much more out of life. I am going to take my life more being more being the doormat. I want to live for me now. "He" may be banging on my door later but that door will remain closed. He is not a man...I need a real man. Hugs, betsy
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