Here's how to recharge
“You plan on working out after work but you just don't have any energy. Here's how to recharge.”
Simply working out is often a big energy boost, however there might be some other players contributing to your battery flat-lining.
1) Sleep. Are you getting enough? Is it uninterrupted? If the cat is walking on you to get comfy or your child is climbing into bed too often, you may need to address these to get a better night's sleep.
2) Overkill. Do you have every waking moment scheduled? Do you really have to do something every night of the week and weekend? Just because you're built to be a super-duper-multi-tasker who can juggle three kids, a job, volunteer for a charity, start a business, write a book, take a class, and scrapbook doesn't mean you have to do it all this week. Give yourself time to decompress now and then.
3) Diet. If you end up consuming more "bad" food (aka junk food) than "good" (healthy) food during the course of the day, odds are you're going to feel it. Charge your battery with whole grains, fruits and veggies, good protein, and plenty of water.
4) Smile. Sometimes we just feel down. Serotonin is the brain chemical that makes you feel energized, happy, and upbeat. Things that boost your serotonin level are exercise, fresh air, and sunshine. Think of things that make you happy and expose yourself to them - music, family time, sports, or praying - and give yourself a boost.