I need clothes! Northern VA Thrift Stores or Clothing Exchanges??!
I do not have much that fits me and that I can wear to work. I have bought a few items and they are now also to big! This is a good thing and I am thrilled. No complaints. I just want to locate a nice thrift store and clothing exchange resource in the Northern Va area. Anyone have any ideas? A friend mentioned Goodwill on Glebe Rd in Arlington. Anyone else been there? I no longer fit Lane Bryant clothing very well most stuff is to loose so I am now in the regular women sizes and I feel so blessed and healthy. Thank you WLS!
There's also the Salvation Army on Little River Turnpike! Congrats, isn't it a great feeling?
I think the next best thing to solving a probem is finding some humor in it. -Frank A. Clark
We have no say over the hand dealt us in life, but we do have a lot of control over how this hand is played. We are responsible for bringing out the meaning of our own lives in each moment that we live. Remember each moment happens only once and can never be retrieved again. -Roberta Andersen