Thursday back on track check in

Ms Court
on 3/17/10 10:07 pm - Remington, VA
Ugh so I totally screwed up my eating yesterday. Did well until dinner time.  We got to the restaurant and there were lots of appetizers and I munched, then didn't like my dinner cause they burnt it (plus I was full) but managed to squeez in some cake, not smart.  I must work on my strength & determination.  It was a long night as we visited for quite awhile at the restaurant so we were late getting home and then needed to quiet the dog down.  I wasn't feeling great due to my food choices and some allergy/sinus stuff so I hit the bed right away.  I am trying to contact the dr. now as I think my allergies may have triggered a sinus infection and/or a slim possibility I have strep.  Depending on what the dr. says will depend on how my day goes, I may end up at home early, one of my girlies is home sick today too, mainly she is just exhausted from her busy life & needs some rest.  I do plan to take a walk and/or bike ride with the dog today.  I am loving the nicer weather!!!

a.m. cuppas in, still no protein (forgot to check the store while I was there last night)
B - yogurt & mini bagel
S - granola bar
L - leftovers
S - banana
D - not sure yet but probably something on the grill

Have a great day!

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



on 3/17/10 11:31 pm - Richmond, VA
Good morning beautiful!  OK...shake it is a new day and you have the power to make better choices!  The biggest step is admitting that you made bad ones the day before!  I had an alright day.  Still feeling like crud but managed to get a few things done and got to an evening appointment.  Scratched dinner on the grill (didn't feel like cooking) so instead we went to Bonefish Grill and I had some Chilean Sea Bass, crab cake and shrimp.  I was focusing on the protein.  Didn't get much in and still felt sick but was happy that I at least got something in me.  Today is a better day already...and I am back to focusing on protein.  It is a 1/2 day for Kara at school so we are going to get some retail therapy as soon as I pick her up.  Much needed for the three of us!  The weather should be perfect and we are going to an outdoor mall.  Othyer than that I will be working in/around/on the house and doing some laundry.  I am soooo loving this weather.  It gives me so much energy and motivation!

am-cuppas, protein x 2 and vits in
b-yogurt and banana
s-protein drink
l-leftover chilean sea bass
s-protein drink
d-something on the grill...perhaps those pork chops?

Have a fabulous day, feel better and enjoy the weather!  Love you!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

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