Wednesday back on track check in

Ms Court
on 3/9/10 8:50 pm - Remington, VA
Morning!  Tammy is sounds like you are rocking with your house stuff & exercise.  Wish I had the time and energy to do the same, lol.  Had a good night last night.  Got home, enjoyed a cuppa decaf on the deck as the sunset & worked on homework while hubby fixed dinner.  Then we watched AI and hit the bed a bit early.  Having some issues with the dog who thinks it is time to get up, eat & play at 3 a.m.  Needless to say the interrupted sleep is not good for me or the hubby.  No real plans tonight.  Home for dinner, walk with the dog & who knows what else.  Hope you all have a great day!

a.m. cuppas & protein are in
B - english muffin & yogurt
S - banana
L - leftover spaghetti
S - granola bar
D - not sure yet but craving a salad......

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



on 3/9/10 9:29 pm - va
RNY on 02/11/04 with
Morning Courtney and other Virginians,

I have been really busy but haven't lost my determination to being on track.

I will be in Vegas until Monday for work and will continue to stay focused.
Breakfast- oatmeal w/walnuts
Lunch - salad w/boiled egg
Dinner - hopefully something with high protein.

I have packed workout clothes.

on 3/9/10 10:11 pm - Richmond, VA
Good morning!  WEll, yesterday, just as I feared, I got sick.  Had a temp of 104 and just felt lousy all day.  I did make my appointment (had no choice in that matter!) and came home and crawled back in the bed.  I had very little exercise and no nutrition other than my vitamins.  Today I am feeling somewhat better but still not 100%.  I bailed on the gym this morning and instead just went for a run in the neighborhood.  On the books for today is laundry, house cleaning, dinner with my man and who knows what  I don't think I'll be hitting the gym this afternoon in hopes of feeling 100% instead.  I am going to try for a walk this afternoon if I can.

am-cuppas, protein and vits in
s-protein drink
l-tuna sandwich
s-protein drink
d-not sure since we are planning on going out

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

on 3/10/10 3:36 am - Chantilly, VA
Decided I needed a "mental health morning" so called in to work (I'm a finance tech at a public high school) and told them I'd be in around 10 AM.  So had a leisurely shower and cup of "protein coffee" at a much more leisurely pace than usual.
B:  cottage cheese with fruit
L:  1 slice thin crust cheese pizza
D:  probably a tuna salad
S:  protein shake
Surgery 4/15/09 - 294 lb.
At goal   2/15/10 - 160 lb.
Currently:  ... and for the rest of my life:  Figuring out maintenance.
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