Thursday back on track check in
Morning! Well did not walk the dog last night as I was just too tired. Ended up with a bad headache due to being over tired so I got dinner fixed & watched a bit of Idol and hit the bed. Feel so much better this a.m. It is a 4 day weekend for me and the temps are supposed to be dexcent so I am definitely hoping to get some exercise in. Hubby is off to so we will get some time together. No big plans for the time off though other than to take the Christmas lights down.
a.m. protein & cuppas in
B - mini bagel & yogurt
S - granola bar & banana
L - leftover fried rice
S - peanut butter crackers
D - not sure, I think I am going on cooking strike tonight so it will be up to hubby
Have a great day!!!