Never a dull moment.........

(deactivated member)
on 11/10/09 4:40 am, edited 11/10/09 5:43 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
As you know my son Connor had pneumonia two weeks ago and has not really fully recovered. He then had to go on steroids for a week to boost his lungs - then on Sunday we had to take him to the ER again in the evening because he developed a temp of 104 - they gave him 2 antibiotic shots to his legs which he says are still hurting him. They did not actually say there was anything wrong with him - it was precautionary I think - given his pneumonia. He is still testing negative for the H1N1 f;u and as he has been sick they wont give him a shot for it.

Today I sent him back to school as he was essentially fine  and they sent him home from school because their new unwritten policy is not to send him to school until 48 hours after the fever (used to be 24 hrs)  Now they are closed for 3 days for teachers' conferences.......

Now, even though he had a fever on Sunday he doesnt have one now and is not contagious or anything like that  - but he is very lively and excited to be home from school until Monday... he has only been home a few hours and it looks like someone dropped a bomb in here!!  He is singing at the top of his lungs to Taylor Swift - music loud and dancing his little ass off....

While I am happy he is feeling so good, does anyone know where I can buy some sanity or patience pills? lol Preferably sugar free ones!

Kitty Kat
on 11/10/09 5:31 am - Richmond, VA
LMAO! I needed to read this post Jackie! Lemme know when you sign up for that mailing list because sanity ends when you become a parent! :P I bet he's too cute. The buggas were so farkin' cabin fevered too. Things will get better. Where's the padded room in your house? HAHAHAHA!
Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

(deactivated member)
on 11/10/09 9:13 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with

I sure need a padded room - with a lock on the inside - he is devoted to being joined to me!! He has decided he is going to marry Taylor Swift and apparently she lives with us but is invisible to me!! I suppose she is the one eating the Halloween candy because he says he hasn't!

I have to work today and so far he is stil asleep - but once he wakes up again the house will be his playground....

Luckily for me he is going to his grandmas tonight so I can go to the support group  - so I get an evening off of his antics lol


~~Theresa Marie~~
on 11/10/09 5:41 am - Closing in on SkinnyVille, VA
Awww Jackie!!

Cam was sick with an upset tummy, slight fever, last Thursday so he came home from school and stayed home Friday. The fever was gone Thursday night but our county policy is NO fever for 24 hrs without fever reducing meds. So of course, Saturday comes around and he feels well enough to go to a bday party on Saturday. He was fine all weekend and then OF COURSE, he started feeling bad late Sunday night when it was bed times


When you find them patience pills, send me some please? My patience are less & less since my RNY.

Hope Connor feels better soon!!!
Theresa Marie
Lap RNY  - April 30, 2008
Open heart surgery (mitral valve repair & MAZE) - April 13, 2009
356/297.5/152.5/170/150 - consult/surgery morn/now/dr goal/my goal
Skinnyville is NO longer miles away...  It's a mere walk to the corner!!
Facebook me @ Theresa Marie Lehman

(deactivated member)
on 11/10/09 9:17 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Connor's fever comes and goes but the school's new policy is 48 hours not 24 so I sent him not knowing the new policy.... which they have yet to put in writing - I am just supposed to know..... mind reading is not one of my stronger traits....

Hope Cameron is feeling better now.....

I am still looking for these patience pills lol!!


on 11/10/09 6:40 am - Woodbridge , VA
VSG on 09/30/08 with
Remember those good old days.    Trust you are dancing with him to get some conditioning in  LMAO. Take care  

               lost 140 lbs     

             Extended TT 12/072009     Plastic Surgeon Mitchell Krieger                     
(deactivated member)
on 11/10/09 9:20 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Sadly I have to work from home, so dancing is not on my calendar..... he thinks I should just have a few days off because he is home and just play with him..... how I wi**** worked that way!! lol

on 11/10/09 8:12 am - Alexandria, VA
It never stops with our children does it?  Sending you some cyber patience, and a big hug i'm glad he is better now.  lys


(deactivated member)
on 11/10/09 9:21 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Thanks Lys  - so far he is just fine - and mega happy to be off school!!

Ms Court
on 11/10/09 11:54 am - Remington, VA
Sounds about like our house 2 weeks ago when the oldest was home, that last day when the fever had been gone but she still couldn't go to school, we got home to music blasting, dancing teen, and a chatter bug who wouldn't be quiet.  Lol.  I feel ya on this one.  Hope you get to enjoy the week and get some relaxtion & you time in there.

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



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