To The Newbies and Recent Post Ops...

on 10/23/09 4:46 am
RNY on 09/19/07 with
....I wanted to apologize to all of you for the way this Board has gone.  Not all of us are involved in this craziness...there are many of us who genuinely want to help others out.  If you don't find this Board to be the support you need or want, I would encourage you to find another one (such as a surgical type Board, the Main Board, etc.) because support is one of the primary keys to success in this whole process. 

To the members of this Board:  As I have stated in the past, this Board was such a wonderful source of information and support to me post op.  I had hoped to be able to "pay it forward" to others as it was done for me, but I find myself pulling away from the Board because of the things that go on here that are completely out of the realm of what the Board is for. 

I hope those who have issues will see fit to find another venue to address them.  Give the people who are here for help a chance to get it, and develop friendships -- healthy friendships -- with others on the Board.

Cindy   Beach    

5'9"   347/200/186/180

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

....Helen Keller

Kitty Kat
on 10/23/09 5:20 am, edited 10/23/09 5:21 am - Richmond, VA
Good pm Cindy,

I am in agreement with you. Thanks for posting this note. Hopefully we can move on from what has transpired here earlier today & give time, energy & attention to support, encouragement & education.

I sincerely encourage everyone to take care of issues and concerns by dealing directly with the folks involved personally/privately. There is a very real need for mutual respect and reconnection of support.
All best!

Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

Lauren B
on 10/23/09 5:31 am - VA
Hello there!  I composed a re-intro this mornng and just logged on to post.  Saw the foray and sighed.  But no worries, I hope a bit of what I said is useful to others and I hope to meet new people.  This board was INTEGRAL to my success and support and I have been gone for a long time.  I miss you all and look forward to posting more often!  HUGS!!

Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!




Ann S.
on 10/23/09 5:32 am - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
Cindy, I'm glad you spoke your peace.  I don't even know if I should be saying anything anymore but I'm willing to risk it.  I kinda got pulled into this whole thing in the first place.  But what you wrote is exactly what I feel as well, & have for a long time.  This has to be a SAFE environment for ALL, not just for a chosen few.  I also don' t believe that you should feel compelled to apologize for this morning.  You didn't do anything.  There's only one person that owes an apology but that's just not going to happen.

As for our new sisters & almost sounds ridiculous to ask  you to trust us after some of the bs you've had to be witness to the past several months.  I never in a million years expected what happened this morning.  But what Cindy says is true...there are amazing, loving, caring people here.  You will make up your own minds as to whether you stay or not.  I hope you do stay.  This is just as much your board as anyone else's.  If we all bail, then a good thing will fall by the wayside & that would be tragic.  I would urge you to not allow the few to destroy a good thing for the many.  I ask you from my heart...please stay.  But likewise I will respect your decision if you choose to leave.


Please help support our troops in harm's way.  Go to
Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

Blair Maury
on 10/23/09 7:37 am - Portsmouth, VA

I picked a heck of a day to swing by.

Another option. Look up the people (who don't scare you) on Facebook. Most all of us are there. I'd be happy to chat up anyone who wants to hear a good weight loss story (not to toot the horn, but I've done pretty well).

I had weight loss surgery. I did it the easy way.
Melissa N.
on 10/23/09 8:01 am - Stafford, VA
Cindy, thank you for posting this.  You have always been a wonderful souce of support and such a kind soul!!  You are an integral part of this board.

highest/surgery day/current/ goal

on 10/23/09 8:42 am
RNY on 01/14/09 with
Well said Cindy!  I'm right there with ya with the trying to "pay it forward" too!   You're the best!!

Consult/Pre Op/Current/Goal - 347/329/137/160 

on 10/23/09 8:57 am - Henrico, VA
Its funny because as a newbie I had absolutly no idea who was fighting with who and for what reason until reading today and got a wiff of all the personalities on this board. 
Ive been trying to ask most of my questions on the RNY and Main boards just because im a little weary of this board.  Seems as this board maybe even be a little" clickish."

Seems the problem is that this board is filled with many people who have "been there done that" and not enough newbies like myself feel safe enough to post problems and concerns as much because we arent quite sure of where we  belong just yet.

Anyways I personally like you all individual just fine and hope you decide to stick around to help a "sista" out after her surgery comes in just a few short weeks.

Also everyone mentions facebook but it seems more for those of you who have your clicks not really to be intruded on by newcomers.  Maybe I am wrong but I figure its best otogive you feed back on why maybe there arent enough new people who actually post on this board.


After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
1 Peter 5:10

Ann S.
on 10/23/09 9:24 am - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
Sweetie,  you are never to consider yourself an intruder.  Believe it or not, there are more people here that truly want to help than there are trouble makers.  I can see where it might seem like there are clicks here.  And perhaps, to some degree, that's to be expected.  But they do not speak for the majority.

It breaks my heart that you don't feel like you can trust any of us here.  That is NOT how this board is supposed to be.  But I hear what you are saying & appreciate your honesty.  We NEED feedback like yours & I hope others will follow your lead.  I can only ask you to weather the storms with us.  The righteous shall prevail eventually.  And if somebody really flips you the wrong way, there's a simple remedy...block 'em!  I've only used that option one other time, but I'm glad I have access to it.  Whether we are a newbie or an old timer, nobody should have to endure negative energy.  This journey is way too important & we need each other.  I need you just as much as I need Jackie or Natalie or Cindy or Heide or any of a multitude of others here.

I respect your decision if you choose to pull away, but I wish you wouldn't.  I know...easy for me to ask that.  And it's asking a lot.  Please don't give up on us or this board.


Please help support our troops in harm's way.  Go to
Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

Brenda E.
on 10/23/09 11:46 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 07/29/09 with
Very well said!!!  That is exactly how I feel!!


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