Come on - let's have your WOW moments!!

on 10/16/09 1:40 am - VA to zero in on the best??? Buying clothes: used to be all clothes in my size were scarce.  Now I can buy anything, anywhere. Dating: scary turned into GREAT! Eating: knowing that I CAN control myself. Exercise: OK, it's still not my favorite, but I can do it.  Plus I'm back to golfing! Only problem is that I still sweat buckets!  Not just when exerting myself, but even standing around when it's hot!. That's always been the icky part of exercise for me and it hasn't changed! 
(deactivated member)
on 10/16/09 2:01 am, edited 10/16/09 2:17 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Rickie, Hey where have you been pretty lady???! Good to see you again!  We need an Avatar pic to see your gorgeous face! How are you doing?

I don't sweat like I used to but somehow a thinner person sweating doesn't look as bad as a much bigger person!

I agree on the dating - when I was much bigger the choices were a lot less than over the past year! It certainly opens up a wider net.......

Stay in touch...

on 10/16/09 5:59 am - VA
I WOW myself daily!  You see, I look at me, I did this for me and I can plainly remember telling myslef about a year ago "If I could just drop 40lbs.".  Aside from that almost everything is a WOW for me.  Leaving the talbe satisfied but not stuffed.  not picking at someoneles' plate, jeans in a 12 and the big one.  MY KNEES DON'T HURT. 

When I was finally undf 200 I cried; now I'm under 180.  People notice the change and the comments feel great.  My husband is getting a little touchy about it, but he is getting a major benifit from it. He has also lost a few because I changed some of the cooking.

Down to 178 from 240, and everyday is just so very special.  I wi**** was more but that's because of me not the band.  Most things in my life are now easier.
Dianne C.
on 10/20/09 6:38 am - Chesapeake, VA
Big wow moment...
I joined my kids Tae Kwon Do class to help them learn the forms and the like (they are 6 and 8 years old.)  Well, I have been able to keep up with the young and old and higher belt levels and was told I was "FAST" by the senior instructor/owner.  And I of course heard "fat" but he clarified that I had really "fast" movements and was keeping up with the more experienced folks in the class.  I don't hear him give too many this was special.  And, while I have been called a lot of things in the past (and was the last one picked in gym class)...but fast was never ever one of them!  I was floored that I was getting such a complement!  I didn't know what to say!  I did put him aside after the next day's class and thanked him for the complement...and did tell him that the complement meant a lot to me and that if he only knew how much I had changed in the last 2 years, he would be floored too...(I didn't elaborate...but maybe when I get my black belt, I will bring him and the class a preop photo of me to show where I have come from!)

Sign me off as "will never be a slow slug again!" 



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