Some advice

Kitty Kat
on 9/21/09 10:44 pm - Richmond, VA
Good am,

I am a bit later responding. I wanted to add that as with any surgery there are always going to be different outcomes for different people. I had RNY & have zero regrets. I've had some issues and look at them like this; if everything was a ok and boring how can we know what to change & how to better ourselves? No journey is without issue. Still, its what we make of it. My advice is to soul search, pray and seek guidance. I believe that when you meet with the surgeon you will "know" what is best for you & he/she will be able to help make your decision(s) easier. All best!

Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

Ms Court
on 9/22/09 12:43 am - Remington, VA
I can't say too much more than the others have.  I too believe that research is the key.  I actually have a notebook from when I started, detailing the things I learned, info printouts, etc.  That helped me make my decision.

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



on 9/22/09 2:11 am, edited 9/22/09 2:41 am - VA
I have LapBand.  I heard horror stories about every kind of WLS.  My best friend had bypass before I met her.  She has put on most of the weight she lost and is very unhappy with her choice.    I think it's been about 5 years for her.  The pouch has been streched but she still has trouble eating chicken and some other things.   Also she has a bunch of medical problems.  Low Iron, leg cramps (on meds), she is always cold  and needs to take several vitamins daily. 

I made my choice on the following

I know 3 other women who had bypass, each has put back on weight, and when they lost the ended up very bottom heavy.  Very apple shaped, as if the weight only came off the top of their bodies.  I didn't want that, it might not be the surgery but 4 different women?

I wanted a quick recovery.  I have had to have several surgeries over the years and cancer caused me to have breast reconstrution; I really didn't want to be "reworked" again.  I was able to go out the day I got out of the hospital and the next 3 nights.  My only realy discomfort was from the "surgery" gas..

I really suck at diets;  I LOVE  the many tastes of food.  With the band I can still eat  with control./restiction  If  there isn't enough control I can get an adjustment.  I have only had 2 and I am down 57 lbs. from my start weight.   I don't trust me enough to work through this with just the bypass, I am positive that I would just stretch it out in short order.  I see that band really as a tool, it can be tightened as needed.  The bypass doesn't offer me the same  options. 

Each has choice has it's own problems and results, good luck in your journey. 
on 9/22/09 1:38 pm - Lynchburg, VA
Thank you for the advice... This board has been so wonderful. I am going to continue to do research and read about each surgery.
Heide A.
on 9/22/09 10:04 am - Chantilly, VA
RNY on 02/24/09 with
Everyone has given you great advice and insights. Your decision on which way you go is very personal, I know that I had my heart set on lap band until I went to my seminar and heard that sugary food will pass through the band fairly easy, and the weight-loss would be much slower because of that, and I love my candy.So RNY was my choice. I am almost 7 months post op and I am 135lbs gone forever, yeah!!!! One other thing to ask your insurance about the lap band is do they cover the fills that you may need, I know that some insurance companies don't cover that, they can be high as $200 a fill. Whatever you decide to do know that you have alot of people on here with lots of knowledge. It was so good for me to red the stories of some of the ones that are many yrs out and have kept the weight off, they showed me that it can happen but it also take work, and that once you reach your goal weight, that when some of the hardest work comes. I also have gotten a lot of good ideas from newer newbies than me. I am very thankful that I have this board to come to for advice and cheers. I know that I can ask anyone here anything and they won't think it's silly or stupid. I am EXTREMELY happy with my choice and the new me I am becoming. So good luck and welcome to the ride.
364      330      197   175

on 9/22/09 1:36 pm - Lynchburg, VA
First.. Congrats on the weight loss. I hope that will be one day. I have days when I think... Will I be heavy forever?  I am know starting to see there is hope and I am looking forward to my journey.
on 9/23/09 2:40 pm
First let me say Kudos to you for doing your homework .
As for my decision , I knew that the Lap Band was not for me . I knew in my heart that I would find a way to out eat it ... and with out the consequences of the LB .. I knew in my heart that the RNY was the one for me .
I am 5 years post op , with NO complications from my surgery . While I do have Addisons Disease , this is not due to my surgery . I had tumors on my adrenal glands .

There are many pros and cons on all surgeries .
And yes , talk to your surgeon .. talk to others here and on other message boards .
Try going to the RNY board here .. I am sure you can get some great feed back .

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me here .

Take care ,


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