And the truth shall set me free...part 3

Ann S.
on 7/29/09 11:07 am - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
When she was taken off the TPA & was told by Dr. Mo that it was ok to remove the picc line, she took it out herself at home. Ok, not unusual since she’s a nurse. But several hours later she calls me to ask if I think she should go to the ER to have it looked at because when she pulled it, it was oozing gunk, was hot to the touch, painful, & smelled bad, or did I think it could wait until Monday? Well, duuuuh!! She had recently spent time in the hospital for an infected picc line…and why would a nurse ask an EMT such a question when the answer is obvious? For someone who has been suffering with repeated ulcers, one would think that she would do everything in her power to avoid making them worse. But not DQ!  She continued to drink coffee, eat spicy foods, & suck on hard candies, even though she’d been told not to & she knew better. Blatant self-sabotage…attention-seeking. Look up Munchhausen Syndrome…she fits the bill. Through the course of our friendship, DQ got to spend a good deal of time with my son, Matt. Because of my own issues with my heart, I am no longer able to drive myself, nor do a lot of things around the house that I used to be able to do. Matt is sweet & kind, & has a big heart, & for the most part, takes very good care of me & our family. Matt is also learning disabled. Not retarded, but has issues that will probably preclude him from ever living away from home. He’s also very naïve & inexperienced in matters of the heart or the opposite sex. When my father-in-law passed away a couple of months ago, Mike & I packed quickly & was on the road to FL to be with his family & bury his dad. While away, DQ would text me, telling me that she & the kids had picked up Matt & taken him to the movies or dinner or such things. I was touched by her thoughtfulness, wanting to look after Matt & keep him company while we were gone. Silly me. Little did I know that DQ had developed a fixation on my son & went to great lengths to lure him into bed! Yes, that’s what I said…she took advantage of his naiveté & lack of experience & seduced my son! Matt was in over his head. He didn’t know what to do or how to handle the situation. Apparently she had all the answers though. They agreed that I was never to know what had transpired between them. But then she didn’t stick to the their plan. She began texting me little hints, saying things that I felt was inappropriate joking, & I told her to knock it off. She had already told me that her husband was jealous of Matt & accused her of having an affair with him just because he kissed her on the cheek, just as I had hugged & kissed her husband on the cheek following a lunch that we all had together a couple weeks prior. I told her to stop stirring the pot!!
[continued in part 4]
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