Happy Half Way Day!

Ms Court
on 6/9/09 8:33 pm - Remington, VA
Morning all!!!!  So how are you?  Things are great here.  Our home inspection went well.  It was so nice to get back into the house and refresh our memories, take some measurments and start picturing things in our heads.  I am so excited and can hardly wait for next week.  Not much in store for today.  Work and then some more packing when I get home.  Hope you all have a great one!!

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



on 6/9/09 9:33 pm
RNY on 01/14/09 with
Morning All,  Glad to hear the home inspection went well, Court!  That is exciting.   As for me,  got to take my son to a dr. appt this morning, then errands and meeting a friend from church for lunch.  

Yesterday, was the 1st day of a 30 day challenge l began on the new Wii game - active.  l'm happy to announce l did it and that my butt muscles are a little sore from the squats!  But, l did it!!  My goal is to do it every day and hopefully get stronger and more toned.

Consult/Pre Op/Current/Goal - 347/329/137/160 

on 6/10/09 1:06 am, edited 6/10/09 1:06 am
Good Morning.  I am on day 16 of the 30 day challenge and love it.  I enjoyed the Wii fit but found it frustrating with it's pacing or lack of continuity but the EA Sports Active really offers a great workout.  I am using the easy workout and hope that at the end of the first challenge can go to the next level and start over.

I am counting the hours until school is out.  This year has been better than some but still I find myself worn out.  I am creating a list of things to get done over my summer off.  Well truthfully I am just adding onto the list I began 5 or so years ago.  Maybe one summer I will actually get it all done.

HW-293                     SW-290                    
on 6/10/09 4:39 am
RNY on 01/14/09 with
Teresa,  l'm doing the easy level too!  That's my plan to move up to the next level after this 30 days.   Babysteps!  l'm just impressed l could do it!

Consult/Pre Op/Current/Goal - 347/329/137/160 

Penny Denny
on 6/10/09 4:54 am - Collinsville, VA
I added some new pics to my profile. My avatar is a little blurry and now my camera is broke, thanks to my son. Or maybe I broke it while getting my pics made. Anyway, I hope you can see the new hairdo. And of course, it looked better yesterday when the stylist fixed it.

Today, we took the kids bowling. I'm going to finish reading "The Shack". The we have basketball camp and church this evening. I'm back at the bank tomorrow for my shift, so if I'm quiet for a while that's why.

The WII challenge sounds cool. I may try that after I finish this community challenge that I'm doing. I have 9 more activities which are about 60 minutes for each one. This has been a great motivator for me to try new things.

Best wishes to all, Penny



Ms Court
on 6/10/09 8:23 pm - Remington, VA
Love the new do!!!  So flirty and adorable!!

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



Penny Denny
on 6/11/09 12:01 pm - Collinsville, VA
Thanks Courtney, My sister also used the word flirty. I guess my husband should watch out!!!



Cindy S.
on 6/10/09 11:57 am - Charlottesville, VA

Evening to everyone!!
   Today was busy at work....paper work; direct care with the folks. We wanted to go for a walk, but the rain changed our plans.
    In our weekly paper, there was a trial advertised to study the effects meditation has with osteoarthritis. When I called to enroll, I was told that the minimum age is 50. Well, I am 2 years shy of 50. What difference two years has on the trial, I have no idea. This bummed me out. I may have my doc state how important the trial could be for me, even though I am underage...ha!
   Looking forward to the weekend. On Friday, a great band will be having an outdoor concert. On Saturday, heading to Waynesboro for a party. May shop for Father's Day, also.

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