Journey Together support group?
My question is this how they typically are? I was hopping to find a group that would offer more of a general support structure for me and my husband, what to expect in the coming months, how to deal with food issues, or anything else related, not just one topic only with no discussion.
Are there any other groups that are more just general support and maybe less structured in the northern VA area?
I am "in charge" of the group, putting it together, etc. If you would like more info, please feel free to shoot me an e-mail [email protected]
We would LOVE to see you there!
Registered Dietitian
Bluepoint Surgical Group
There are two support groups that are run "out" of Fair Oaks Hospital. One is this one, Journey Together, and it tends to be quite structured (with a specific topic, and really trying to keep to that topic). Another week, you might have come across another topic. You just happened upon the plastic surgery one (which, while perhaps not that important to you right NOW, will probably become important to you later).
There is another group that also has topics for each meeting, but it tends to be run in a bit more relaxed way. It's called the Staple Club, and it currently meets at the Sully police station. I am sure that someone probably has more up to date info on this than I do. (as I have been bad in all aspects and have not attended a support group meeting in a long time) This meeting happens every second Monday of the month.
You can also post here, or read other boards. They'll give you a GREAT idea of what to expect, and you don't have to wait for a particular date to check it out. :)
Good luck, and keep trying them out until you find a good one!