Dr. Moazzez

(deactivated member)
on 2/9/09 3:02 am - Woodbridge, VA
I know you have narrowed your surgeons down and have already decided on the band, but I strongly urge you to have a consultation with Dr. Elariny. He is the ONLY surgeon in VA who performs all the diferent WLS procedures. Heck, even just go to his info session if you can (in Fairfax). You may still walk away wanting the band and Dr. Moazzez, but at least you will know all your options so you can make a fully informed decision.
~ Julie ~
on 2/10/09 1:35 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Everyone has already made their case either for or against their particular surgeon (or the one they didn't choose). You will find that a lot of people, especially those with at least modest success, will tell you THEIR surgeon is the best. There are a lot of qualified surgeons out there, and you'll probably do well with most any of them. In my opinion, choosing a surgeon is not all that different from buying a car, (for example) and largely depends on which options you want.

That being said, I will tell you that Dr. Moazzez would be an excellent choice. He performed my surgery almost 3 years ago, and from day one he took his time (surgery was to be two hours, took 4). One thing that hasn't been mentioned: most surgeons want to see you about once every 6 months for the first two years or so, then once a year after that. Not him -- once every 6 months (with labs) for the first 4 years, and then once a year after. I think those things just speak to his attention to detail.

Best of luck in  your search!

399    /371  /173.2/155

The tough part of WLS is not the first year, it's those that follow.
Ann S.
on 2/10/09 12:03 pm - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
Ok, I'm gonna jump in with MY two cents worth also.  First, Dr. Mo is my surgeon as well.  Everyone's already spoken highly of his bedside manner, his friendliness, his attention to detail, his honesty, not to mention his gorgeous good looks.  I was impressed with him from the moment I shook his hand at our first meeting.  When he speaks to you, he actually looks you in the eye...not many doctors in any field do that.  Whenever I've had a concern & needed to speak to him, even after hours, he ALWAYS called me within a few moments of my call...none of my other doctors do that either.  So yes, I too highly recommend him because he is still the kind of doctor that remembers that he is treating a human being not just signs & symptoms.

The other thing I wanted to mention is your decision to have lap band.  I had lap band.  I chose it because it is less invasive, as surgeries go, the recovery time is waaaay quicker, the band is adjustable to suit your needs.  The one thing I did NOT take into consideration was another tool that goes hand-in-hand for success with the band.  Exercise.  You see, I have a very severe heart condition that, well, it's just never going to get better.  Yes, losing this extra poundage I've been hauling around would certainly take some stress off of my weakened heart, but in order to do that, I need to exercise.  The amount of exercise I need to do exceeds my ability though, which has not made for a very successful outcome.  So unless you are going to be able to get in a good, sturdy exercise regimen, you might want to consider another type of weight loss surgery because loss with the band is very, very gradual.  Now with the other types, you have significant weight loss within the first couple of months, so even if you aren't able to exercise very well at first, the theory is as you lose weight you gain more ability.  I did have some success at first...got within 5 lbs of being under 200.  I lost about 40 lbs, was exercising on machines at the hospital, had given up using the electric carts at stores & walking instead, even going for long walks in farm country.  Then my heart function took a major nose dive.  Now I'm back to using the carts, no more walks in the country, I huff & puff just climbing 13 steps up from my family room to my kitchen.  Weight has started to come back.  I still remain hopefull that I can get SOME use from my band...I'm going in for a fill soon...but reality is setting in & I'm having to adjust my brain to the fact that I probably will not reach my wl goals.  But as with Lisa, I am not a typical band patient.  There have been many, MANY success stories from lapband patients.  I just caution you that if you have any debilitating problems such as mine, you might want to discuss your options in detail with Dr. Mo or whomever you choose before making your final decision.  Alas, I cannot go back in & have any other kind of procedure because, frankly, I would not survive the surgery.

As many others have recommended, do your homework.  Take the time to research & interview more than one doctor & more than one procedure.  Make sure you have the determination to stick to the rules set down by whomever your doctor will be.  This kind of weight loss is more than just dropping a few pounds.  It affects your hormones, it tests your inner strength, it will have you questioning your ability to stay committed when you're feeling low.  It's not about just losing weight or getting healthy or looking good in an outfit.  It's a life-changing occurance that will even affect your personal relationships.  You will certainly find out who's really your friend by the kind of responses you get not only about deciding to "take the easy way out & have surgery"...you'll hear that a lot, if you haven't already, but you might be surprised at how many people close to you will appear to be trying to sabotage your accomplishment.  So in many ways, this is a journey of one....YOU...because unless they have lived in your skin & walked in your shoes, they have no idea of how things will be for you.  Only you will know that.  For me, personally, the only place I have felt safe about talking about my own experiences, is here, on OH.  These folks HAVE at least walked in similar shoes, walked down the same path, & come across the same types of people & situations.  We are a close-knit group here that welcomes newcomers with open arms.  The concern, support, & affection are genuine.  We're all in the same boat.  So as you continue to search for the answers that will work for you, I strongly encourage you to keep coming here, keep asking questions, & let us embrace you into the family as well.  It's not an easy journey, & each one is different, but it's a helluva worthwhile journey when done right.  I truly wish you much success!!


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~ Julie ~
on 2/11/09 5:40 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
You need to save that and post it every time someone asks about a surgeon, especially that last paragraph. It was well written and SO TRUE.

By the way, Dr. M is super hot. :)
399    /371  /173.2/155

The tough part of WLS is not the first year, it's those that follow.
on 2/11/09 7:13 am - Alexandria, VA
Hi Ann - sorry to hijack the post but wanted to ask how are YOU doing?  also what you wrote was VERY well said.  lys b


Ann S.
on 2/11/09 1:47 pm - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with

Hey Julie & Lys!!  Ah shucks...t'weren't nuthin'!  LOL  Just speaking from the heart is all.  I guess I get inspired when I come here & feel compelled to speak out.

Lys, I don't think anyone will mind you hijacking me...lol.  For the most part, I'm ok.  As with everyone else, I'm sure, each day is a new adventure.  I got bloodwork results yesterday & my PCP was fairly pleased with it.  I also saw my cardiologist on Monday & aside from adjusting one of my meds, things are going along as best as can be expected on the cardiac front.

Nino, our Italian Stallion, is having a hernia repair done by one of Dr. Mo's collegues at FO this Friday so I'll be at the hospital with him for that.  Heide is promising to kidnap me for a little while during Nino's recovery room time.  I'm sure we'll be able to find some sort of trouble to get into...lol.  She's a really neat lady & I can't wait for you all to meet her.  Soon we'll be scooching over on the loser's bench to make room for her...her surgery is on the 24th of this month...woo hoo!

Mike's on travel this whole week so we missed our 25 year annivery together.  I would have been totally bummed out on Monday but thanks to some of our girlies, that didn't happen.  I had a lovely lunch with Melissa, Cindy S., Lisa W., Heide, Matt & Nino at Chili's.  Courtney wasn't able to make it as job & such got in the way, but she was certainly missed.

Did you also attend Jackie soiree?  I sooooo wanted to go, but alas plans were made months in advance for the same day so I had to miss the festivities.

Well, that's pretty much it in a nutshell.  Well, other than the fact that our new horse we bought last fall is a pooping machine!!  LOL  So how's things with you????



Please help support our troops in harm's way.  Go to AnySoldier.com
Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our history...today our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

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