It's all not sunshine and rainbows

Lauren B
on 1/28/09 1:53 am - VA
In light of my discussion with Jamie, I feel compelled to make this post.

Gering up and preparing for WLS is daunting.  We all went through the consultations, tests, approvals and pre-op diets.  It wasn't the easiest for some, but finally that special day came.  This is a firm reminder that not everyone's experience having surgery is the same.  Some of us had no complications, no pain, easy recovery etc.  But some of us do  not.  It seems that this board is all about sunshine and rainbows all the time that some newbies seem unprepared for what is coming.

I think is is both therapuetic and informational to share BOTH good and bad news.  Both wow moments and "what the heck is going on!" moments.  Because people learn from both.  :)

I hope you will all share with us a bit of truth.  Maybe explain some of the things you struggled with pre-op, early post-op and in recovery, moving along the food stages, any complications you've had.  Because all of this knowledge may help someone later on who is going "HUH?".

Here is my story...

I came out of surgery feeling like most, groggy, tired, worried about blood clots (LOL).  I learned that my surgery took 5 hours instead of the expected four.  I also needed two additional lap sites to have it performed laparscopically.  So I have seven incisions.  But I am thankful that I didn't have to be opened up.  Recovery went well.  I pumped my pain pump as long as they let me, I had a movement (with assistance through suppositories) and started passing gas.  I was up and walking around the second day (nope, I was NOT going to get out of bed the first night...I know shame shame) and taking frequent walks.  Even though I was uncomfortable, the walking really did help the gas move.  When I left the hospital I was very bloated and full feeling.

When I got home, I started up my two week post op full liquid diet.  I pulled out my protein stash and started making shakes throughout the day.  Getting fluids down was a struggle.  First off  - they tasted nasty - secondly I was just so FULL.  It was mind blowing.  Each and every time I took a swig of a shake I would get more and more uncomfortable, gassy and bloated.  I couldn't figure out what was going on.  Finally several days later I called the office becuase I was unable to get any fluids in, it was just too painful and uncomfortable.  I was constantly crying and definately had teh regretful feelings set in.  The "why do I still feel like crap" thoughts swirling around my head.

I went to see my surgeon and he admitted me back into the hospital for dehydration, I was put back on IV fluids.  Sigh...  Oh and for the record I was used as a pin cushion for both hospital stays.  It sucked.  But honestly I was glad to be in there and getting my fluids in instead of suffering at home.

This is what I learned - yes there is a silver lining - I actually learned something from all of this.  Whey Protein CONCENTRATES have lactose, I had a lactose intolerance prior to surgery and no where in all of my literature or online research prior to surgery did someone mention this to me as something to watch out for.  I also didn't realize I was going to be so sensitive to the concentrates because I WAS able to get down the slimfast during my pre-op diet.  I just remember being gassy and having tummy aches but nothing unbearable.  Well I guess the smaller pouch and new plumbing was just too much and my body had rebelled against that lactose.

I promptly switched to Whey Protein Isolates (which is super filtered and is very low if not free of lactose).  My tummy imimproved, I started getting my shakes and water in and I was a happy girl.  It was actually a simple adjustment, just not one I knew to make until something went wrong!

The other thing I would like to be honest about is that I was very frustrated by my continually being tired.  I probably was about 3-4 months out and had taken off quite a bit of weight before I had that spring back in my step.  To this day I still suffer from fatigue, but it is a combination of poor sleep and a time consuming career.  I know that I'm doing right by fueling and hydrating my body to keep even my fatigued self in tip top shape.  Do I have more energy?  Sure, of course I do, I did lose 194lbs for cripes sake.  But it's not as marked of a difference as I hoped.  I take more solace in that I COULD climb a mountain if I had to, not necessary that I would want or have the desire to do so.  LOL.

So, give everything time and you will reap the benefits.  But there are definately bumps in the road along the way.

Does anyone have anything they can share that would help lend a bit of truth to the WLS experience?  Thanks!

Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!




on 1/28/09 2:43 am - Richmond, VA
This is a good post and an excellent topic however to say this board is all sunshine and rainbows is delusional.  There are thousands of posts on here regarding all sorts of complications such as hair loss, low vit d, being tired, non tolerance of foods, strictures, feeding tubes, etc.  As a paitent of ANY type of voluntary medical procedure it is up to you as the patient to research both the pros and cons.  My story is open to anyone that wants to know...just ask.  I ended up being readmitted twice in five months due to complications.  Would I do this again?  In a heartbeat!  Are there things I did not know ahead of time?  Absolutely!  Did I go into this as prepared as I could?  Absolutely, without a doubt.  Unless you are self pay there is usually quite a bit of time to research things.  It is totally up to you how you use that time.  If you go in unpreparred it is 100% your own fault!  There are too many research options available free of charge and there are support groups all over.  Take advantage of everything offered to you.

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

Brooke O.
on 1/28/09 3:21 am - Petersburg, VA
I LOVE this post Lauren. I think both you and Tammy are right. I think **I*** anyways try to not share so much negative because I do not want to scare new patients. They already usually know all the bad stuff. I will share my experience so far.....

Surgery date June 2nd 2008.... My surgery was 3 hours longer than it was suppose to be.I opted for the open gastric bypass. I am in an experimental group that uses a special mesh under the skin to hopefully stop any hernias from forming. That took longer to sew in than thought and I also had a lung collapse during surgery. I was in immense pain when I woke up and felt like I would rather be dead. I could not breathe and the pain was unbearable. I was sent to icu and spent 5 days in there. I was put on a breathing machine. I did not get up to wal****il day 3 due to the collapsed lung. I prayed that God would just take me then. Obviously he has more plans for me.

I came home after about a week and was brought home on oxygen which I stayed on for about a month until I was able to bring my saturation where it needed to be. The days seemed to pass like weeks instead. After about 3 weeks at home I started to feel better.
After 5 weeks I was great... That was until about the 7th week reared its ugly head. I started vomiting on everything.. protein, water seemed like even air. So went back to the doctor and went through 3 endoscopy's and an upper gi. No stricture. I have severe hypemesis. Good news- it goes away once the majority of your weight is off.... bad news...... that takes a long time.
Because of the vomiting I am now on a feeding tube that takes away quality of life. Everything has to revolve around it. I must use it 4 times a day.

I am hopeful that I will get better. To be honest with you, I would NOT have this surgery again. Hopefully that answer will change when I start to feel better, but for now it has taken to much from myself and my family. I hate that my son has to watch me go through this.

Sorry if it is negative, but this is my honest true life here.

Start weight 420 on June2nd 2008
Current  weight 295 today
total lost 125 lbs
Mom to Alex age 9
Wife to Sean married 5/29/99

And one bean on the way. EDD 6/22/11
Lauren B
on 1/28/09 3:30 am - VA
Thank you for sharing your story Brooke!  There is nothing negative about this because this information helps someone know more about their surgery.  It is all part of the researching process.  I know when I came to OH, I found a wealth of inspiring people to learn from, who had both good and bad results to share.  Thank you again!

Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!




on 1/28/09 5:04 am - Richmond, VA
My WLS story for anyone interested:

I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 AM for a 6:30 AM surgery.  i had discussed the pain management issues with my surgeon due to allergies to most pain meds and was assured that I would have a PCA pump.  I was quite surprised when the anesthesologist showed up to give me my central line and my epidural!  We had to have quite the long discussion and I had to decide if I wanted to go the route I had previously discussed or take the epidural.  In the long run I chose the epidural after speaking to several nurses, the doctor and the surgeon.  I was wheeled back to the OR and told to help get myself to the OR table from the gurney.  I remember the nurse doctor saying she's had an epidural and she can't so they moved me and then I remember seeing the mask come down and then counting to backwards from 100 to 96.  After that my next memory is someone calling my name and saying I had someone there to see me.  I opened my eyes in recovery to see my husband standing there.  He stayed with me for several hours until they moved me to the "pod" room where I was in a icu-type room with a nurse that stayed there the entire time and it had four beds.  I was not in much pain at first but then toward the middle of the night I was in horrible pain.  I was now getting iv injenctions of pain meds and I was really ticked that they would not give me my glasses.  I would have rather slept in them just so I could see when I opened my eyes.  I stayed there until about 5 the next day.  I was allowed several visitors while in this unit.  After that I went to another floor that is for the surgery recovery unit.  I was there for two additional days.  I was given broth and CIB shakes and did a lot of walking.  I actually walked while I was in the POD unit as well.  I stayed longer because I was traveling so far away from any hospital to stay with my aunt.  I had a lot of gas and it was extremely painful but the walking helped tons.  Recovery at home was OK.  The ride to my aunts house (90 minutes from Richmond) was hard.  There were a lot of back roads with a lot of bumps.  I hugged a pillow the entire way.  I had taken a pain pill with me for the ride but never actually consumed it.  I got settled at the house and was feeling good but tired.  I napped on and off in the chair and all was good until time to go to bed.  I could not get comfortable for anything in the world.  I ended up sleeping in a recliner for two weeks.  I also came home after two weeks.  It was good to be there and I felt great.  At about 4 weeks the tiredness kicked in and I was exhausted all of the time.  Then at 4.5 weeks all hell broke lose.  I could not keep anything down.  I was back at the doctors office several times and even went into the outpatient lab for iv infusion therapy.  I was getting daily iv bags just to try and stay hydrated.  I was admitted back into St. Mary's after I became dehydrated anyway.  Yep...I had a stricture.  I was inpatient for five days, had an EGD and lots of iv fluids.  I came home and was due to go back to work three days later.  I was still so tired all of the time that I was approved for 1/2 days for another two weeks.  After that I was back on full days.  It was hard at first but I adjusted.  All went pretty well until 5 months after surgery.  Yeppers...another stricture and yet another inpatient stay of 5 days, another EGD and lots more iv bags.  I came home and was out of work for a three day weekend then back to full days.  I have had many ups and downs over my almost 4 years post op.  I was fortunate not to have hair loss.  I tool Boitin (hair skin and nails).  I have tried and failed at many protein drinks.  I became lactose intolerant for a period of time but am fine with it now.  I have struggles with finding the correct type of vitamins and a routine that works for me.  I have had health scares with low vitamin D and failing liver functions.  I have lost 260 pounds.  I became pregnant with another daughter.  Did I have this surgery to have more children?  Absolutely not,  Do I regret having this surgery?  Absolutely not.  I had buyers remorse about three days post op when the gas was at its worse and I was having horrible back pain.  Would I have it again knowing all I do now and what I had to go through?  In a heartbeat.  The quality of life I have is well worth it.  I have energy and stamina to do things with my daughter.  I can run, I can ride anything I want at the amusement parks.  Do I have saggy skin and want PS...of course.  Will I have PS?  Hopefully one day.  Go into this with your eyes wide open.  I did!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

Brooke O.
on 1/28/09 5:19 am - Petersburg, VA
thanks for sharing! I didn't know you had the strictures. I love to hear people's stories
Mom to Alex age 9
Wife to Sean married 5/29/99

And one bean on the way. EDD 6/22/11
on 1/28/09 5:52 am - Richmond, VA
Anytime!  I am happy to share my story and hope pthers can learn from it!  Yep...two nasty strictures.  Oh...and I forgot to mention that also along the way I also have horrible issues with my sinus and allergies and vomit almost daily from the drainage and that I had to go thru trial and era and 6 months of hives to discover that I am allergic to Splenda.  Still...I'd do it all again!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

Lauren B
on 1/28/09 5:27 am - VA
Thank you so much for sharing your story!  You definately had big bumps in the road with the two strictures, exhaustion and IV infusions.  I will use you as a resource should I ever suspect a stricture going on in my future.  Can stictures happen anytime post op?  Or does it usually happen in the first year?

And you reminded me of the back pain.  Ugg.  I don't know what the deal is with the back pain - but I have had chronic pain pain since surgery.  Go figure, it hurt before and it still hurts now, just for different reasons.  I remember we talked over some possible reasons a while back - posture and adjusting to losing volume in your bum and sitting differently.  I know I try to remind myself all the time to pull my shoulders back and stop leaning on my thighs, trying to balance off of my butt bone.

Thanks again!

Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!




on 1/28/09 5:56 am - Richmond, VA
I will share my story with anyone that wants to know...and I forgot to mention that also along the way I also have horrible issues with my sinus and allergies and vomit almost daily from the drainage and that I had to go thru trial and era and 6 months of hives to discover that I am allergic to Splenda.  Still...I'd do it all again!

yeah, I went thru a lot but it is all worth it to me.  Strictures are more common during the first 6 months however I know several folks that have them years out.  It is always a possibility!

Back pain is horrible.  Mine has gotten a lot better.  Try sleeping with a pillow under your knees and adjust your posture.  Also, get a good fitting and supporting bra and think about a brace.  They sell them at Home Depot.  They are mostly used for workers that lift things but they have a great deal of support and help a lot to me.  Now I don't wear one but I did for a while. 

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

on 1/28/09 5:57 am - Richmond, VA
edit...I forgot to mention this:

I also along the way have horrible issues with my sinus and allergies and vomit almost daily from the drainage and that I had to go thru trial and era and 6 months of hives to discover that I am allergic to Splenda.  Still...I'd do it all again!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

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