Ann S.
on 12/18/08 4:15 pm - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
You're a good person, all around, Kat.  I'm proud to call you my friend.

My day SUCKED!!  So did yesterday!!  Why on earth has all my teeth decided to go south on me all at once seems to be the question of the week!  I was SUPPOSED to go to the dentist yesterday to have some fillings done.  Well, that didn't happen cuz I woke up ill...weird ill.  I walked upstairs to the kitchen to make me some instant oatmeal for breakfast.  In the few minutes it took me to do that, I was soaked with sweat, weak, & trembling.  Just this awful feeling washed over me.  So I rescheduled the dentist for the 30th.  Then the pain started in my mouth again.  Just as bad as last week before he did the extraction.  It's an hour drive to his office so there was no way to get the pain meds I need cuz they're a narcotic & can't be phoned in.  By this morning I was exhausted from lack of sleep & in tears from the pain.  I got an appt with my PCP so I could get the pain meds I need...would have to wait until 5 pm!  Around 10 am I just couldn't take it anymore & decided to give the dentist office yet another call.  She promised to call me the moment there was a cancellation or if the doc could fit me in somewhere between patients...he was booked solid.  I've never been on standby for a doctor before!  Finally, I got a call asking if I could be at the office at 3:40....HELL YEAH!!  The result?  I go back on Tuesday for a root canal.  Figures, don't it?  But at least I've got the pain meds along with an antibiotic to ward off any infection that might try to start up before Tuesday.  We now suspect that this tooth was hot at the same time as the extracted one & that I never had dry socket as we had thought.  Oh, & I STILL need the aforementioned fillings.

Friday's gonna be a busy one...post office run to finally mail my cards, send off the latest shipments to my guys, a surprise gift to my elderly cousin in NY, drop off some stuff at Salvation Army, shop for Christmas dinner, do laundry.  At least I get to do all this hopped up on good drugs!  just kidding!!  Thank God I have Matt to help.  Help?  Who am I kidding?  Poor guy's gonna get stuck doing most of the labor stuff...I just can't do it anymore.  Frankly, I'm beginning to wonder if this is gonna be my last Christmas, the way I've been feeling these past few months.  No, I'm not depressed, just reading the signs.  Come to find out, Mike's been concerned about the same thing.  I don't think I want to wait until Feb to see my cardiologist...something's just not right.

Two bright spots in my day is finally pain relief & this silly little puppy, Holly...she's brightening up all of us!

Sorry to be so negative, but it's been a negative couple of days.  I'll bounce back to my usual goofy self soon.  As Kat always says, tomorrow's a new day...who knows what wonders awaits me.


Please help support our troops in harm's way.  Go to AnySoldier.com
Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our history...today our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

Kitty Kat
on 12/18/08 7:23 pm - Richmond, VA
Hey Ann,

Thanks. :) I'm sorry to hear your day was crap too! We're in the same boat. I sincerely hope you are feeling better today. I know its a mess when you have dental issues. It for many reasons wreaks havoc on our bodies. BOOOOO! I think we've all seen what not listening to our bodies does. Here's your 'pay attention' notice woman! Not negative its how you feel. Take care.

Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07 
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

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