Tammy's Dad & REQUEST!
Hey ya'll,
As you know this am Tammy's dad is having open heart surgery. Overnight he was moved from HDH to Chippenham Hospital. I'll be going to see her this am and will pass along any updates on him as the day progresses.
If you would, please reply here with some warm messages of hope, pray and encouragement for her and her family? I think that is something they would really enjoy and be delighted by.
I'll plan on checking in here every so often and hope to take some messages by there later in the pm as well.
Thanks ya'll!
As you know this am Tammy's dad is having open heart surgery. Overnight he was moved from HDH to Chippenham Hospital. I'll be going to see her this am and will pass along any updates on him as the day progresses.
If you would, please reply here with some warm messages of hope, pray and encouragement for her and her family? I think that is something they would really enjoy and be delighted by.
I'll plan on checking in here every so often and hope to take some messages by there later in the pm as well.
Thanks ya'll!

Prayers are with your dad and you and family this morning and know that God will see you all through today and be with you and by your side. Thanks Kat for doing this and I know Tammy will be glad to have you by her side you are a wonderful friend you both take care of yourselves and please keep me updated. Hugs to you all love you and miss ya wish I could be there for all of you.

OH Support Group Leader - [email protected]
Believing in yourself makes it so much easier in supporting those who need your friendship, love, and support,so Believe in yourself First.
Charlottesville, Virginia VA FFP's Meet's every 4th Sat.