Long update on my 1 yr follow-up appt and help needed
My appt went good, Dr. Maher was very pleased. They fussed at me for not exercising. What else is new. But again we went over the statistics of regain (20%) and how I need to start exercising now so that when I turn 40 and 50 and my metabolism really hits the crapper that I'll be able to maintain my loss. Dr. Maher stressed finding something I actually liked doing. There is something that I've been doing lately but never really considered it exercise, but I think it is something that gets me moving and my heart rate up and I need to step it up a notch - DANCING. I just LOVE to put on some dance music and shake my thing in the living room. What a sight I must be. LOL. But I got moves... ;) A while back I purchased some dancing related exercise tapes, so I'm going to try and find those and maybe start doing it every night to get me moving. Also, I've been doing some basic exercises to work on my waist, hips, butt and thighs. Just some flexing and legs lifts and things like that. At least I like to think I'm helping these areas. :)
We discussed goal weights and Dr. Mahers take is I choose my own, he gave me the guidance that I could be happy right now or continue down to a normal BMI (160lbs). The nutritionists suggestion was to put my goal at 160-170lbs. I think that’s a bit unreachable unless I had plastics, but who knows? I’ll ride the gravy train for as long as I can. She said with the slower loss of 1lb per week from now on that it is possible for me to reach a goal of 160-170 by the close of my 18mo “window” and when I can try for a baby. For now I’m sticking with 175lbs because that is what I still feel is reachable and reasonable. I don't want to be one of those people that sets some ridiculous goal so for the rest of their life they whine about not having reached goal. That's just me though.
The only problem I came across is that I found out that I’ve been taking my iron wrong. I’m supposed to be taking 2 pills, not one. OOPS. What’s weird is I think at some point I DID do the two pills, I just can’t figure out at what point I started dropping the second pill. I suspect it could have been when I started my new pill taking regime about 2 months back. This could be a major contributor to my being tired. I’ll be very curious to see what my labs show. And I cycle more regularly and have a shorter cycle so I’m definitely menstruating more. I got an extra period this month! Or spotting or something. So I know I need that iron. BUMMER.
Lastly we talked about my new protein goals. My last goal that was set was at my 3mo appt - 60grams and I have been doing so great that I am usually able to get that in with food alone now. WOOHOO. But, the nutritionist says she wants me to have a new goal of 80 grams. Ugg. She says I'm young and need more. Now, I had been supplementing an extra protein bar maybe a month or two back thinking I was low on my protein counts, but come to find out after careful journaling I was taking in more than my 60 gram goal and just adding calories to my day so I stopped doing that. So, here's my thought, I can resume doing that again and actually enjoy that extra protein intake (I really like the taste of one protein bar I found - to me it's like a candy bar treat to me) OR her suggestion is to find an extra meat source so I can maximize the protein, but keep the calories low. Her example was three slices of turkey breast which would give me 21grams of protein for only 75 calories. That is a big difference from the 180 calorie protein bar. Now on days where I take in under 1000 calories the protein bar is not a problem, but on days where I am closer to the 1000 calorie mark that would put my total calories over my "magic number" of 1000. It's not so much that I have a problem with that, except that I don't want to lose weight slower just because I'm choosing the tastier of two options. She also suggested tuna fish as a goos source. But this extra protein will have to replace my afternoon snack so I would be eating it at work and I HATE people who bring tuna to work because the smell is potent. Turkey breast is okay, but I already do two slices of turkey every day for lunch, I could use a switch up than just eating more of it. Okay so here's where I need help - so give me some other ideas of what low calorie sources of protein that I can do in one small meal (2-4oz) to get 20 grams of protein from? I would love to hear what you all do to raise up your numbers. Even if you can all check your cupboards at your protein bars and find me a lower calorie one with 20grams in it that I can go buy and try would be helpful too. Thanks everyone for your help!
Oh and I have one amusing thing to share and see what you all think of that too...
There was a new nurse that took my vitals and all - I'm assuming she is a new member of the bariatric team because I don't remember ever meeting her over the last year. While we were casually chatting it up she made the following comments:
"you have such a thin face"
"some people who lose that amount of weight have an old haggard face"
"you don't look like you weighed 369, you look normal"
Now don't get me wrong, this is a simple case of ignorance and I found the banter amusing. And I know she is just a nice lady who didn't know better than to say things like that probably because she never faced being overweight and what overweight people struggle with as far as prejudice and idnorant comments. BUT given a different receipient to comments like these, this poor nurse might be faced with a complaint. Should I mention it to my nurse coordinator that perhaps they should educate their employees a little better on what may or may not be acceptable critiques on appearance and such. Not that I expect this woman to ever say to someone you DO have an old haggard face (because she probably just wouldn't say it at all if she thought so), but that doesn't make it right to say it to anyone. No feelings hurt on my end, but someone could be very insulted by these comments - especially the "normal" comments. That insinuates that obese people do not look "normal". Lauren
We discussed goal weights and Dr. Mahers take is I choose my own, he gave me the guidance that I could be happy right now or continue down to a normal BMI (160lbs). The nutritionists suggestion was to put my goal at 160-170lbs. I think that’s a bit unreachable unless I had plastics, but who knows? I’ll ride the gravy train for as long as I can. She said with the slower loss of 1lb per week from now on that it is possible for me to reach a goal of 160-170 by the close of my 18mo “window” and when I can try for a baby. For now I’m sticking with 175lbs because that is what I still feel is reachable and reasonable. I don't want to be one of those people that sets some ridiculous goal so for the rest of their life they whine about not having reached goal. That's just me though.
The only problem I came across is that I found out that I’ve been taking my iron wrong. I’m supposed to be taking 2 pills, not one. OOPS. What’s weird is I think at some point I DID do the two pills, I just can’t figure out at what point I started dropping the second pill. I suspect it could have been when I started my new pill taking regime about 2 months back. This could be a major contributor to my being tired. I’ll be very curious to see what my labs show. And I cycle more regularly and have a shorter cycle so I’m definitely menstruating more. I got an extra period this month! Or spotting or something. So I know I need that iron. BUMMER.
Lastly we talked about my new protein goals. My last goal that was set was at my 3mo appt - 60grams and I have been doing so great that I am usually able to get that in with food alone now. WOOHOO. But, the nutritionist says she wants me to have a new goal of 80 grams. Ugg. She says I'm young and need more. Now, I had been supplementing an extra protein bar maybe a month or two back thinking I was low on my protein counts, but come to find out after careful journaling I was taking in more than my 60 gram goal and just adding calories to my day so I stopped doing that. So, here's my thought, I can resume doing that again and actually enjoy that extra protein intake (I really like the taste of one protein bar I found - to me it's like a candy bar treat to me) OR her suggestion is to find an extra meat source so I can maximize the protein, but keep the calories low. Her example was three slices of turkey breast which would give me 21grams of protein for only 75 calories. That is a big difference from the 180 calorie protein bar. Now on days where I take in under 1000 calories the protein bar is not a problem, but on days where I am closer to the 1000 calorie mark that would put my total calories over my "magic number" of 1000. It's not so much that I have a problem with that, except that I don't want to lose weight slower just because I'm choosing the tastier of two options. She also suggested tuna fish as a goos source. But this extra protein will have to replace my afternoon snack so I would be eating it at work and I HATE people who bring tuna to work because the smell is potent. Turkey breast is okay, but I already do two slices of turkey every day for lunch, I could use a switch up than just eating more of it. Okay so here's where I need help - so give me some other ideas of what low calorie sources of protein that I can do in one small meal (2-4oz) to get 20 grams of protein from? I would love to hear what you all do to raise up your numbers. Even if you can all check your cupboards at your protein bars and find me a lower calorie one with 20grams in it that I can go buy and try would be helpful too. Thanks everyone for your help!
Oh and I have one amusing thing to share and see what you all think of that too...
There was a new nurse that took my vitals and all - I'm assuming she is a new member of the bariatric team because I don't remember ever meeting her over the last year. While we were casually chatting it up she made the following comments:
"you have such a thin face"
"some people who lose that amount of weight have an old haggard face"
"you don't look like you weighed 369, you look normal"
Now don't get me wrong, this is a simple case of ignorance and I found the banter amusing. And I know she is just a nice lady who didn't know better than to say things like that probably because she never faced being overweight and what overweight people struggle with as far as prejudice and idnorant comments. BUT given a different receipient to comments like these, this poor nurse might be faced with a complaint. Should I mention it to my nurse coordinator that perhaps they should educate their employees a little better on what may or may not be acceptable critiques on appearance and such. Not that I expect this woman to ever say to someone you DO have an old haggard face (because she probably just wouldn't say it at all if she thought so), but that doesn't make it right to say it to anyone. No feelings hurt on my end, but someone could be very insulted by these comments - especially the "normal" comments. That insinuates that obese people do not look "normal". Lauren
Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!
I use the liquid egg whites (like egg beaters). Fried or scrambled. Or boiled eggs and ditch the yolk. Very good source of protein. I also mix a scoop of chocolate whey protein powder (Body Fortress from Walmart; $12.95) in with my 1 minute oatmeal in the morning for a low calorie high protein breakfast.
I'm a 2 iron vitamin pill victim too. They also put me on prenatal because they have 28 mg of iron instead of the standard 18 mg in most.
Congrads on all the great experiences all at once. You are learning sooo fast....................
Hi Lauren,
Sounds like you had a interesting follow up. Dancing burns tons of calories and helps strengthen many things for us. (Christina can vouch for this)
I wanted to touch on the vitamin part here. You mention being tired. I have had marked anemia issues for several years prior to and since having WLS and I honestly contributed being tired to those levels being off. Well, that's not the culprit at least not alone. My iron issues this last follow up round were actually better than they have been in some time.
The culprit? My Vitamin D levels are EXTREMELY low. Research shows that Vitamin D Deficieny can cause: muscle pain, weak bones/fractures, low energy and fatigue, lowered immunity, symptoms of depression and mood swings and sleep irregularties. Women with renal problems or intestinal concerns (such as IBS or Crohn’s disease) may be vitamin D deficient because they can neither absorb nor adequately convert the nutrient.
I've experienced SEVERAL of those symptoms. Finally Halloween I had labs drawn after having had an appointment with my surgeon's office. Now take 1 Dry Vitamin D tablet per day and labs will be drawn again in January for my 6 year surgerversary. I hope that from Halloween until my next visit my Vit D levels improve greatly. You might ask your surgeon's office to review your Vit D levels.
My regimen has changed for my vits as well. I now take: 2 prenatals with iron (just as Joe does) in place of a reg multi-vitamin and iron supplements. I take one in the am and one in the pm. I take 1 cod liver oil tablet, 1 dry vitamin d, 1 b12 sublingual, and 2 calcium chewables per day.
The protein goal is something I've done since the beginning. 80+ grams is something we've always been told to get in. I hope you find it easy to get in. Its wonderful you are able to get in 60 just from eating alone. I don't enjoy the meal replacement bars/protein bars but enjoy my protein drinks and you might consider adding one to your menu. I get in 17 grams from the EAS AdvantEDGE RTD chocolate. Just a suggestion.
I think we've all been guilty of saying something that isn't exactly the best choice of words. Did you mention to her that its something that bothered you a bit? Sometimes folks aren't aware of their statements and their results until they are addressed. Putting ones self in others shoes tends to wake up the "doh" factor.
Take care.
Sounds like you had a interesting follow up. Dancing burns tons of calories and helps strengthen many things for us. (Christina can vouch for this)
I wanted to touch on the vitamin part here. You mention being tired. I have had marked anemia issues for several years prior to and since having WLS and I honestly contributed being tired to those levels being off. Well, that's not the culprit at least not alone. My iron issues this last follow up round were actually better than they have been in some time.
The culprit? My Vitamin D levels are EXTREMELY low. Research shows that Vitamin D Deficieny can cause: muscle pain, weak bones/fractures, low energy and fatigue, lowered immunity, symptoms of depression and mood swings and sleep irregularties. Women with renal problems or intestinal concerns (such as IBS or Crohn’s disease) may be vitamin D deficient because they can neither absorb nor adequately convert the nutrient.
I've experienced SEVERAL of those symptoms. Finally Halloween I had labs drawn after having had an appointment with my surgeon's office. Now take 1 Dry Vitamin D tablet per day and labs will be drawn again in January for my 6 year surgerversary. I hope that from Halloween until my next visit my Vit D levels improve greatly. You might ask your surgeon's office to review your Vit D levels.
My regimen has changed for my vits as well. I now take: 2 prenatals with iron (just as Joe does) in place of a reg multi-vitamin and iron supplements. I take one in the am and one in the pm. I take 1 cod liver oil tablet, 1 dry vitamin d, 1 b12 sublingual, and 2 calcium chewables per day.
The protein goal is something I've done since the beginning. 80+ grams is something we've always been told to get in. I hope you find it easy to get in. Its wonderful you are able to get in 60 just from eating alone. I don't enjoy the meal replacement bars/protein bars but enjoy my protein drinks and you might consider adding one to your menu. I get in 17 grams from the EAS AdvantEDGE RTD chocolate. Just a suggestion.
I think we've all been guilty of saying something that isn't exactly the best choice of words. Did you mention to her that its something that bothered you a bit? Sometimes folks aren't aware of their statements and their results until they are addressed. Putting ones self in others shoes tends to wake up the "doh" factor.
Take care.



