Hi Melissa :)
Don't be a stranger! We're here when you have the chance to pop in. I'm glad you found the perfect dress. That makes your attendance at the party that much more fun and enjoyable. I sincerely hope you get to feeling much better. There has been something going around with many, many folks. 6 months huh? Please keep us posted on how you are doing. :)
Don't be a stranger! We're here when you have the chance to pop in. I'm glad you found the perfect dress. That makes your attendance at the party that much more fun and enjoyable. I sincerely hope you get to feeling much better. There has been something going around with many, many folks. 6 months huh? Please keep us posted on how you are doing. :)

Thanks Kat!! Work is just so crazy busy. It seems like there is a fire everyday on eah of my 21 contracts. UGH!! But I do love my job and it is better then having nothing to do at work. I am felling better today! Not 100% but 90%, so that is great. I had all the symptoms of the flu so i was a little scared. But it seems to be only a 24 hour respitory bug. Yep 6 months on the 17th. Time has gone by so fast.
Hi Melissa- you look fabulous and glad that you are doing alright! Nothing feels better than getting the perfect outfit and feeling really good in it!
I never made Dr Halmi's support group either - just too much going on for me right now..... and I was kind of tired too.........
I love Maggiano's in Tysons - food is scrumptious!
Looking forward to seeing you sometime in the future!
I never made Dr Halmi's support group either - just too much going on for me right now..... and I was kind of tired too.........
I love Maggiano's in Tysons - food is scrumptious!
Looking forward to seeing you sometime in the future!