Lisa Update

Ann S.
on 12/2/08 6:37 am - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
I spoke to Lisa again this afternoon & she asked me to share with you the latest & greatest.

She received to pints of blood last night so her crit numbers are better.  She & Dr. Mo discussed her options.  He told her that if he does a reversal that she stands a 99% chance of regaining all the weight she lost (160 lbs).  They've decided to continue with the TPA for another 3 months & HOPE that things get better.  Apparently our girl is very oral & likes to suck on mints & lifesavers & such so she's been instructed  to NOT do that anymore.  Apparently it stirs up acidic juices in her stomach which contributes to the ulcers.  She's feeling down about how things are going but remains optimistic, which is good.  She would love to hear from ya'll so if you'd like to give her a call in her room at the hospital, email me at  [email protected]  & I'll send you her number.

Hope all is well with ya'll. Keep the prayers comin'...our sister could use all the help she can get.


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Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

on 12/2/08 6:41 am - Alexandria, VA
ANN!  how are YOU sweetie?  haven't seen you in a while.  Thanks for posting about Lisa, please give her a big hug from me, and let her know she's in my prayers every day as well.  lys


Ann S.
on 12/2/08 9:16 am - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
Hi Sweetheart!  Thanks for asking about me.  Mentally I'm terrific.  Physically, not so good but that's temporary.  I had a tooth extracted today so my mouth is NOT a happy camper at the moment.  Mostly, I've been keeping busy with my, mailing, shopping, mailing, doing fundraisers, twisting corporate arms to get 'em to help.  Slow going, but productive.

Ok, enough about me...this is supposed to be about  Jackie just emailed me that Miss Lisa has been released from the hospital.  I suspect she's either on her way home or she's at her Grandpa's bedside.  He's very ill & not expected to be with us much longer.  I left a message on her cell so I'm sure she'll call when she gets a chance.

On behalf of Lisa & her family, thank you all for the responses.  I've been getting lots of requests for her address & phone number.  I'm sure she will pop in here herself soon.  In the meantime, lets keep the prayers & positive energy flowing for our sister & her Grandpa.

Hugs to all!!!


Please help support our troops in harm's way.  Go to
Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

Lauren B
on 12/2/08 9:30 am - VA
I don't mean to be a debbie downer but I think for a doctor to say you have a 99% chance of gaining all the weight back is f'ing obsurd.  Isn't she past 1 year post op?  I can't remember what her date is.  But given how long I think it's been i would think that she has instilled a few new and better eating habits along the way.  Obviously RNY is alot about your restrictive pouch size and malabsorption, but over time i would think you would have been also retraining your brain, habits, exercising, all of that and THAT is all in the person, not the plumbing.  I think should they have to do a reversal that she might gain back some weight, but not 99% chance it.  I'm sorry but that statment makes me angry.  Please tell her to question that **** in her own mind, because it just doesn't sound right.

Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!




Ann S.
on 12/2/08 11:57 am - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
I had a hard time with that one too.  I reminded her that the surgery is only ONE tool.  I told her that she just doesn't have the type of personality to give up IF a reversal is done, & that she will still be on a wl journey even though she may have to take a different path.  For the moment, she's just trying to get through this latest crisis.  I know that we all will be here for her, hold her hand, try to guide her, but ultimately the decision is hers.  She's feeling a bit fragile & defeated but with all of us rallying around her, I think she will do what she knows needs to be done.  She's also dealing with the fact that her beloved Grandpa is gravely ill & most likely won't make it too much longer.  So for now, I personally choose to stand by her in any way that she needs follow her lead.  She's a smart lady...let's see what path she chooses.  But God bless you for your passion & for being so protective.  I just LOVE your fiery spirit.  Don't you worry, sweetie...WE aren't giving up on our girl.  Let's give her some time, ok?

I love you, Lauren.


Please help support our troops in harm's way.  Go to
Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

Lauren B
on 12/2/08 8:36 pm - VA
"I reminded her that the surgery is only ONE tool"

That was the best way to put it!  I agree completley.  I will be sending Lisa healing energy and strength to get through the hard times with her grandfather and tehn she can focus on the right decision for her with Dr. Mo.  I know she can continue being successful no matter what the outcome is!  :)

Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!




on 12/2/08 3:44 pm - Alexandria, VA
Ann - sorry to hear about your tooth and hope you are feeling better today!  I agree with Lauren, the weight gain back comment kinda made me mad too! BUT, of course, whatever path Lisa chooses, we will support her.  Sending more prayers.  lys


Cindy S.
on 12/3/08 1:11 am - Charlottesville, VA
Prayers going out to Lisa at this time. Not only for her health, but for the failing health of her grandfather. I pray that she and her doctor make the right decision.
  Sometimes I suck on mints and lifesavers. Never thought about the acid and possible ulcers.
Ann S.
on 12/3/08 1:28 am - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
Ok, here's the latest update on the update.  I just got off the phone with Lisa.  She was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon & sent home with good drugs.  She's a lot tired & a little loopy.  At the moment she's spending every bit of time she can with her Granddad.  She says it won't be much longer.  He's 84 years old...he led an interesting life.  I pray he passes gently & without pain.

She asked me to thank all of you for your love, prayers, & get well wishes.  She's given me permission to share her address so those of you that wanted to send her a card, please email me again & I will share it with you.  She hopes to pop in here maybe tomorrow.  She went on to say that her, Ed, & the kids are doing ok.

So that's it for now.  If I hear anything more I will let you know.


Please help support our troops in harm's way.  Go to
Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

Pat F.
on 12/3/08 1:54 am - Richmond, VA
Ann thank you for the update and glad that she is doing a little better and please let her know that we are praying for her and her dad. I know where she is coming from. Again thank you and may God bless everyone.

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