Kitty Kat
on 11/30/08 7:01 pm - Richmond, VA
Good am,

How are ya'll doing this 1st day of December? How was your weekend?

Its been a few weeks since I've been here on the boards. I have quite a bit of catching up to do! These last several weeks have been trying yet revealing, productive, good and not so great all at the same time. I wanted to say "thanks" for the kind notes, texts, calls and more. Means so much.

Our weekend was jam packed! We attended a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's. The buggas had a really great time. It was nice to see them having so much fun. :) We also had a carpet party and watched Eloise at the Plaza and Eloise at Christmastime along with some Charlie Brown movies. Mom, myself and the buggas put our tree up along with some other decorations and they had a wonderful time doing that too. Of course there were chores to be done and we all pitched in and got those taken care of. Mom & I got some time together alone and I am thankful for that. At the close of the weekend everyone was tuckered out. It was dinner then early to bed for the buggas while I stayed up a couple hours longer to get in some laundry, chores and things to help get our week started off easily/well.

What's on the books for your Monday?

I've got a lot going on today. Going to grab some time in the shower then wake the buggas up. Kayla goes back to school today after a 4 1/2 day break. I'm going to send her off then get some To Do List items (as much as I can). Later in the am I've got some convos to have and hopefully all the details have come together. In the pm, I'm going to be working on some more decorating with the buggas as well as homework and pm things. I hope everyone has the BEST Monday!

Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07 
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

~~Theresa Marie~~
on 11/30/08 8:07 pm - Closing in on SkinnyVille, VA
Good morning Kat. Glad to see you back and doing well. Hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving. Seems like you had a busy weekend! That always makes it great.

Saturday, Mom, Cameron, I, my sister in law, 2 neices and nephew headed all over to the Bass Pro Shop. We saw Santa and did a bunch of Christmas activities and even did a bit of shopping and browsing. Then we headed home to drop of a few and Mom, Cameron & I headed out to dinner & then over to my Aunts house to play with some babies. By the time we got home, we were exhausted. Sunday was a gloomy day. By this day, Cameron was bored and not being able to go outside made it worse. I did laundry, cleaned a bit myself and then ended up feeling HORRIBLE! Like I had been run over by a truck. He had a terrible time settling down for the night and falling asleep which made me late on getting to bed myself. I did manage to read 2 good but disturbing books and start on a third last night. Hopefully tonight he will get to bed a bit earlier.

Today it is back to school for both him & I. If only I could have one more day. But I know that will only make me want another and another. After school, it is home for homework, dinner with my family and a friend and then bed early. I HOPE & PRAY!!!

Hope you have a great Monday. Again, it is great to see you back on the boards. Take care!!!
Theresa Marie
Lap RNY  - April 30, 2008
Open heart surgery (mitral valve repair & MAZE) - April 13, 2009
356/297.5/152.5/170/150 - consult/surgery morn/now/dr goal/my goal
Skinnyville is NO longer miles away...  It's a mere walk to the corner!!
Facebook me @ Theresa Marie Lehman

Kitty Kat
on 11/30/08 10:57 pm - Richmond, VA
Thanks Theresa. Its good to be back. We celebrated Thanksgiving with some wonderful friends. They welcomed us into their home with open arms. A blessing to see my buggas smiling and happy. I'm glad you & your family had a nice & eventful weekend. Hope school goes well for you & Cameron.

Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07 
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

Ms Court
on 11/30/08 8:28 pm - Remington, VA
Morning Beautiful!!!!  Great to see your gorgeous smile again!!!  You have been missed!!!

My weekend was nice.  Spent lots of time shopping on Friday, got some great deals and tuckered myself out.  Saturday it was wrapping & getting out the decorations, of course I was still pretty worn out so I did it all at my own speed.  Yesterday we put up the tree & most of the other decorations.

Not sure what is on the books for today.  Back to work of course, and I know it will be a busy day with it being the 1st of the month & trying to catch up after so many days off.  My tummy is not too happy with me for some reason today so I am hoping I will be able to make it at work.  We shall see.

Hope you have a great one.  Love you much!!!

Courtney  305/155/150/225 high/goal/low/current 
**The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life.  Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat...Albert Einstein ** 



Kitty Kat
on 11/30/08 10:59 pm - Richmond, VA
Thanks Court. Its nice to get back to life. :) I'm glad you got a lot accomplished this weekend. Tuckered out is certainly a term fitting our activities lately. We are on the same page there. My tummy is not exactly calm today. Prayers for both of us to feel better. Heart you!
Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07 
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

Sporty Jill
on 11/30/08 9:55 pm - Norfolk, VA
Welcome back, Sweetie......You were missed!

Glad to hear that you are doing well and trying to get this under control.  Just make sure that as you do this, you really consider yourself.  Make sure you take some time for yourself in all of this.

Sounds like you had a great weekend.  Well, let's see....I can say that I DEFINATELY supported the economy this weekend....UGH!!!!!  But, did it without fighting or standing in long lines.  It was by pure LUCK - haha.

Well....I'm back at work today.  Funny, I'd prefer to be home, but when I was home, I prefered to be here - haha.  Sure need to make up my mind, don't I?

Still real swollen on my legs.  I swear they swell  up really bad and fairly quickly.  BUT...at least the bruising is pretty much gone already.  Breasts don't really hurt at all.  Barely sore - YEAH!!!!  I just can't wait until I can sleep on my side again.

Well....enjoy your day!!!!

OH!!!  Thanks for the card!

     Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265  Current Weight:143 
So I run like a Girl....now keep up! 

Kitty Kat
on 11/30/08 11:01 pm - Richmond, VA
Thanks Jill! I've missed you and others as well. Yes mam! I'm glad you didn't have to fight crowds and chaos. I hope that work goes smoothly/fast for you. Hope your legs and boobs continue healing nicely. I'm happy for you and your progress and hope you are happy when you can see the results down the road. You're welcome. :)
Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07 
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

Lauren B
on 11/30/08 10:16 pm - VA
Good morning!  Nice to see your smiling face on the boards again!  :)

I had a great weekend, jam packed full of family visits, shopping, decorating and relaxing at home.  Today looks to be a slower day at work as we don't have any deadlines due today.  I plan to get ahead a bit on future bids.

Have a great day!

Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!




Kitty Kat
on 11/30/08 11:02 pm - Richmond, VA
Thanks Lauren! I am glad you had a great weekend. Hopefully today goes smoothly for you and is enjoyable. Have a great Monday!
Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07 
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

on 11/30/08 10:57 pm - Richmond, VA
Good AM, beautiful!  I am so glad you are back!  You have been missed.  I am just getting settled in to be able to read and post.  I am posting here first and then catching up on the other ones over the past four days!  I left work early on Wednesday and started cooking and some cleaning.  I have lots more to do but wanted to get some of the basics out of the way and some laundry going.  Kara "cleaned" her room and brought me about 20 loads of "stuff" she "just found".  UGH!  I did laundry all day and night!  I grabbed Kara and Adam and we went to the center and started putting the first four parts of Thursday's papers together.  We were there for three hours. Steve stayed home and did some things on a to-do list for me.  We got back and he layed down for an hour for a nap and I did some more cooking.  We all left at 11:30 (since we were PROMISED the main page would be there at midnight) and then ended up waiting until almost 2 for the main page!  We had good convos and one of the other carriers brought a feast!  Everyone was snacking and laughing...good times!  We delivered and got home about 6.  I crashed for two hours before getting up and cooking more.  We all went to my uncles house for lunch then came home and I cooked yet some more for my house.  It was me, Steve, Kara, Adam, my dad and some fabulous friends.  We had a fantastic time and watched some movies and talked.  I also looked thru the sale ads and mapped out my plan of attack for Friday morning.  After cleaning up and putting the leftovers away and packing food for Steve and my dad for Friday and Saturday it was late...big surprise, right?  I had thought I would leave the house around midnight to go and stand in line to get Kara a laptop but after looking thru the sale ads I decided on something different.  That was the ONLY thing I wanted/needed that was on sale and I knew Circuit City and Best Buy would be total mad houses.  I found the same model at Office Max for $30.00 more AND that store didn't open until 7.  I was totally exhausted by this point so I decided to pay the extra and get some sleep.  I went to bed about 1 and got up at 6:15.  I was   showered, out the door and waiting in line at 6:35.  I was the first one there!  I got what I needed plus added Microsoft Office and Norton AntiVirus for excellent prices!  I was ready to go home by 6:50 but decided that could not happen.  Then it was off to a variety of other stores.  I finally made it home about 2:15.  I have almost my entire list done.  I still need to get things for two more people but have the lists already made out and am confident that it will be done within two weeks.  I came home and was really tired so I crashed on the sofa.  I tried watching a movie but fell asleep during it!  I woke up a bit later and did watch that movie and another so I could return them and get more. 

Kara, Adam and I delivered Saturday's papers.  We got home very early...about 5 AM and all promptly went to bed.  We got up and went and did some necessity shopping (milk, gas in the truck) and some more Christmas things, too.  I also got some ideas and prices for the two left on my list.  We got home and I did some more laundry and we all vegged and watched another movie.  Steve and my dad got home about 7:30 or so and we talked before heading to bed early. 
On to Sunday!  Boy...what a gloomy day!  Steve and I stayed in bed until noon!  I am not sure how but I guess we both needed the rest/sleep.  Then it was off to get returns and we had a lunch date...just the two of us.  It has been too long since we have had that!  We got home and Steve and my dad started watching a movie while I did the billing for Monday morning.  Steve was also tying returns and getting counts together for me.  It was another early night for bed.  The tree did not get put up.  Since it was raining we did not want to dig it out and have it and the boxes get soaked.  We are shooting for Tuesday evening at this point.

Now this brings us to Monday.  I got an early start and made it to work on time.  I got over half of my billing done and am comfidant that all of this evenings stops will go equally as well.  I have to meet a friend to pick something for work up after billing and then it is home to complete all of the paperwork for the week.  No big plans other than work!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

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