Daily Inspiration - Seek support during the holidays
Seek support during the holidays.
It's the most wonderful time of the year & or so some people think. For many people, though, the holiday season is stressful and/or depressing. This is the time of year to seek support and give it. If you respond to stress with self-destructive behaviors (over committing, overeating, having unrealistic expectations of what you can handle) your holiday season will hinder your progress.
You don't have to surrender your sanity to the season. You don't have to bake. You don't have to eat the hors d'oeuvres. You don't have to spend more money than you have. Seek support for your new lifestyle if you need it. And offer to help others get through the holidays, too. Sometimes the best way to stay on track is by being an example to others who are struggling.
Action for the day: Plan a realistic day today. Don't buy into the myth of having to do what everyone else is doing. And touch base with another WLS patient today to get and give support.
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Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265 Current Weight:143
So I run like a Girl....now keep up!