I have question for all you RNY'ers...

Ann S.
on 11/16/08 5:40 am - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
Do ya'll have any problems with food getting stuck?  Or is that just a lapband thang?


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Brooke O.
on 11/16/08 6:33 am - Petersburg, VA
I don't.... wait I don't eat anything. LOL. Of the few foods I had, I haven't had any problems. I think it can though.  I am sure you will get some responses. I think you can take a papaya enzyme to help
Mom to Alex age 9
Wife to Sean married 5/29/99

And one bean on the way. EDD 6/22/11
~~Theresa Marie~~
on 11/16/08 6:40 am - Closing in on SkinnyVille, VA
Hey Ann! I did have problems with food getting stuck early out. I do believe that it was because I was taking too big of bites or not chewing my bites enough. I happened only a handful of times and I only remember one time that I had to make myself throw it back up. Usually it was just a waiting game. Although Cameron did pat my back several times to help get it down, like burping a baby.

Hope you get the answers your looking for hun!
Theresa Marie
Lap RNY  - April 30, 2008
Open heart surgery (mitral valve repair & MAZE) - April 13, 2009
356/297.5/152.5/170/150 - consult/surgery morn/now/dr goal/my goal
Skinnyville is NO longer miles away...  It's a mere walk to the corner!!
Facebook me @ Theresa Marie Lehman

Lisa W.
on 11/16/08 7:37 am - Charles Town, WV
RNY on 08/21/07 with
Wellllll...we all know what great luck *I* have had with my RNY!  LOL...but, I did have issues with food getting stuck.  It mostly stemmed from strictures...recurring ones.  But, the last scope I had everything was WIDE open and I was still getting the occassional stuck food.  I think it's a sort of mixture of chewing REALLY well, eating small bites and foods that agree.  I, for instance, do not tolerate a hamburger at all...I can eat (when I'm allowed to eat) ground beef in a casserole type setting but, not an actual hamburger.  Doesn't matter what I do to it...it gets stuck and does NOT like me.  So, I just simply don't eat them.  Shrimp is another fun one for me...just don't eat it.
Of course, I am eating only full liquids these days...if you can call it eating.  LOL...
Ann...when do you see Dr. Mo next?  I go on Thursday.  But, I want to see if we can get together sometime soon...I live in Charles Town, WV...not too far from you.
Lisa W.
RNY 8/21/07
Starting weight 348
Current weight  188
Super Momma to:
Aidan 2/14/02 and
Aimee 2/06/04
First Post-op baby due 9/10!
Ann S.
on 11/16/08 11:11 am - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
Ok, you would think that after 16 months of hangin' out with ya'll that I would have gleaned a TON of information, right?  Nope.  I have no idea what a stricture is, how you get one, or how to get rid of it.  But we are on the same page when it comes to trying to eat certain foods.  I can't do dense foods either, such as steak or even chicken that's too dry.  Jackie brought up the point about reheated foods...nope, can't do it either.  So on some levels, the transition from band to RNY won't be as difficult or as much of an adjustment.  Sodas are out...no problem.  Can't do sugar...no problem...love SF stuff already.  The one thing I AM concerned about is the protein shakes.  I only managed to gag down two the day after surgery...after that, as soon as I got it near my nose, the heaves would start.  The only one I've had any succes with is the Achieve Ones.

Now about our hooking up.  Do you come down I-81 to I-66 & go in that way or do you have a different route.  Cuz if you DO come down 81, etc., then you pass my house everytime.  In fact, you could look to your left & wave to me as you go by!  LOL  I don't know why we haven't hooked up yet...you are sooooo close by.  I would love to see Dr. Mo this Thursday with you, but one, I doubt my med cards will be here in time, & two, I doubt they have an opening with such short notice.  But maybe we can plan to meet anyway at a different time.  I got no problem going to Charles Town.  Let's chat about this offline & see what we can do, ok?

Ok, time to go watch the Skins beat the crap outta the cowgirls!!  GO REDSKINS!!!


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Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our history...today our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

on 11/16/08 11:11 pm - Richmond, VA

I am so glad to see you posting again.  You have been missed!  Now...yep, I occassionally get food stuck and as most of the others have said it is usually from too big of a bite, not chewing enough or eating something too dry.  I can not eat reheated meats unless it is smothered in something moist (like a casserole for example) or chilli since it is moist anyway.  I have tried papaya enzymes but thankfully I do not need them too often.  I did not have the problem too much with my strictures since mine came on rather quickly.  A stricture is scar tissue that builds up around where they reattach your new pouch.  There is no way to prevent them and for me the fix was having an EGD (endoscopy) each time.  The balloon pushed thru things and opened it all back up.  In some instances you have to have surgery to open things back up but I am not sure what the percentage is that you do have to have that done.  I knew from the beginning that Lap Band was NOT for me.  Not because I couldn't exercise but because I wanted to maximize my weightloss.  I had a lot to lose and I wanted to make the most of my experience.  I am grateful for my choice and the ecucation I did beforehand to be able to make it.  As for waiting for your insurance cards...you may not need to.  You can call the company and get your id # and group # and call the office to see if they will accept that info for the initial appt since changing carriers.  Some do...some don't.  As for Tricare...since they do not coordinate any benefits and are considered secondary you do stand a good chance there.  I am not sure about what they do or do not cover though.  Also, be careful because any post op care for routine or complications needs to be sent to Tricare not whoever your primary is if they do not cover the surgery or if for some reason Tricare pays for the actual surgery.  I am here if you need anything and I wish you all they luck!  You and your family remain in my prayers!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

Ann S.
on 11/17/08 12:20 am - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with
Hey Tammy-kins!  Hiiiiii Frogette!!

I'm glad I'm posting again too.  Darn it, I've miss you all so much.  Between Cyndi's crisis, Mike's crisis, trying to support my soldiers...well, everybody was eating up my time leaving me not much for me.  I decided I wasn't gonna let that happen anymore.  I can still take care of everybody but I GOTTA take care of me too.

I totally forgot that you are our insurance guru.  The moment I finished reading your post, I called Mike to get the ins co info so I can call them today.  Who knows...maybe I CAN get in to see Dr. Mo on Thursday so me & Lisa can hook up.  Ok, scratch that idea...I just talked to her & we're gonna hook up for lunch here in Winchester.  Anyway...no time like the present to get all my ducks in a row.

Thank you so much for the info!!


Please help support our troops in harm's way.  Go to AnySoldier.com
Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our history...today our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

on 11/17/08 12:30 am - Richmond, VA
Anytime!  I am always glad to help...you know that!  As for taking care of you...should I put you over my knee now or later?  You KNOW how important it is to  take care of you.  If you don't...then who will?  Let me know what they say!

Tammy C

down 260+ pounds and loving life more than ever!!!
proud  mom to Kara 12-08-1994 and our newest addition Claire Makenna born 03-26-09 weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces and 19.25 inches long and very healthy.  happily dating...i honestly never knew it could be this good!  there is that special Guy for everyone out there...either you already have him or you will find him when He is ready for it! 

open RNY 04-25-2005

Life could not get any better than this!

Ann S.
on 11/17/08 2:33 pm - Middletown, VA
Lap Band on 07/16/07 with

Ok, while I'm not into spankings ordinarily, if you MUST, then I suggest you wait till later.  Why?  BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE A LAP ANYMORE!!!!  Duuuuh!  Froggette's in the way!  hehehehe

You absolutely crack me up, sweetie!!! 



Please help support our troops in harm's way.  Go to AnySoldier.com
Tomorrow is our future...yesterday our history...today our surprise & that's why it's called Present! 

on 11/17/08 8:27 am - Falls Church, VA
Who beat the crap out of who woman....I do believe the cowboys showed up and kicked some redskin butt...Jim
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