Tragedy strikes in Virginia Beach
This past Thursday and Friday we had torrential rains in our area.
On Friday, 3 local high school seniors were killed in a car crash on their way home from school.On a wet, winding road and speeding, the driver crossed the center double yellow line. A van coming from the other direction hit the car on the passenger side.The boys were all wearing their seatbelts, but the crash was so severe that they were killed instantly.
The driver of the van sufferes from broken bones, was bloodied and hospitalized. I cannot imagine the grief he must feel.
Please say a prayer or have a moment of silence for all the families involved.
Prayers going up for the families and the the other driver. This is just an example of how short life can be and how quick things can happen. So love your family's and friends hold them dear to your heart. I had to learn this the hard way dont let a tragedy come into your lives before you have to deal with it.

OH Support Group Leader - [email protected]
Believing in yourself makes it so much easier in supporting those who need your friendship, love, and support,so Believe in yourself First.
Charlottesville, Virginia VA FFP's Meet's every 4th Sat.