Just for fun...
I've just been surprised by my sister, Cyndi...the one ya'll have heard so much about. Before I get to the surprise, a little update on her. A couple of weeks ago she underwent transfusion, had a central line put in, & endured a 5-hour chemo treatment. In spite of all that, she is working really hard at keeping her spirits up. I'm helping with that by way of loving care packages full of goodies. Her hair hasn't started falling out just yet, but she says any day now. I sent her two wigs & she loves them both & they will look so cute on her. Ok, now for the surprise. She sent me photos of me & her back in the day...I got a good chuckle out of them...I'm hoping you will too.

That's Cyndi on the left, our band leader, Earl, in the middle, & ME on the right! This was taken a few days after we returned from our tour to South Korea where we entertained troops.

Me, on the left, Cyndi in the middle, & our friend, Dawn, on the right. And to think that I thought I was fat back then. I should be so lucky now, huh?

And finally this one...me on the left ..age 12, & Cy on the right...9.
Well anyway...just thought it would be fun to share these with ya'll.

That's Cyndi on the left, our band leader, Earl, in the middle, & ME on the right! This was taken a few days after we returned from our tour to South Korea where we entertained troops.

Me, on the left, Cyndi in the middle, & our friend, Dawn, on the right. And to think that I thought I was fat back then. I should be so lucky now, huh?

And finally this one...me on the left ..age 12, & Cy on the right...9.
Well anyway...just thought it would be fun to share these with ya'll.
How funny that you & Jackie said the exact same thing...lol. Brilliant minds DO think alike!
Ya know...we really have had an exciting 50 years together. I actually took to heart what ya'll wrote to me when I first broke the news about Cy's situation...make all the memories we can while we still can & remember the ones we've already made. Ironically enough, a new face has surfaced from our wonderful past...one that has been missed. He is there, in
Temple, where Cy is & they got together for dinner. He really boosted her spirits. And now he's boosting mine as well, cuz that's where those photos came from, except for the one when we were kids. Neither of us had ever seen those photos before. Now he's feverishly going through his photo archives, searching for any & all he has of me & her. He also shared a secret with Cy that he swore her to secrecy but of course she told me. He had a crush on me back then! I had no idea...lol. So yes, ya'll were right...it IS good to take walks down memory lane. I think I was hesitant because I thought it would hurt too much. Boy am I glad I was wrong & ya'll were right. Everytime Rick posts a new photo, Cyndi calls me, all excited..."ya gotta go look at his myspace...he found more!!" She's soooo funny.
Well, I'm making a turkey dinner & the buzzard needs basting again. I'll be popping in & out though. Thanks for all the love & support.
Ya know...we really have had an exciting 50 years together. I actually took to heart what ya'll wrote to me when I first broke the news about Cy's situation...make all the memories we can while we still can & remember the ones we've already made. Ironically enough, a new face has surfaced from our wonderful past...one that has been missed. He is there, in
Temple, where Cy is & they got together for dinner. He really boosted her spirits. And now he's boosting mine as well, cuz that's where those photos came from, except for the one when we were kids. Neither of us had ever seen those photos before. Now he's feverishly going through his photo archives, searching for any & all he has of me & her. He also shared a secret with Cy that he swore her to secrecy but of course she told me. He had a crush on me back then! I had no idea...lol. So yes, ya'll were right...it IS good to take walks down memory lane. I think I was hesitant because I thought it would hurt too much. Boy am I glad I was wrong & ya'll were right. Everytime Rick posts a new photo, Cyndi calls me, all excited..."ya gotta go look at his myspace...he found more!!" She's soooo funny.
Well, I'm making a turkey dinner & the buzzard needs basting again. I'll be popping in & out though. Thanks for all the love & support.