I wanted to pass this most valuable information along to you all . This is the very imformation that OH provides to their support group leaders for training . So this is really good stuff !!
I would read it closely .. Ask questions if there is something you do not understand. Science is changing all the time . Protein has to be one of our key choices in our food selections .
Hope this helps you along your journey. And as always, check with your nut or doc if you are unsure of what your diet should consist of . For me , my Surgeon, Dr. Hutcher says this information below is right on the money . So I trust it ... and have been using this scale for 4 years . So glad I took the time to really understand how it all works . I consider my surgery as still unkown as to what the future holds as far as absorbtion , so I make the best of all I put into my body. I hope you will too !!
The higher on the list, the better.
The numbers are the BV. (Biologic value).
This is only how easily the (normal) body can absorb them, not the protein grams in each one. The last few need to be blended to make a complete protein.
And remember….gastric bypass patients don’t absorb nutrients from food protein very well.
The Biological Value, or BV, of a protein is an indicator of the quality of the protein. It is a measure of a protein's ability to be used by the body (or its bioavailability). It is a percentage (though the scale is skewed resulting in some BV's of greater than 100) of the absorbed protein that your body actually uses. Biological Values are indicators of which proteins are best at aiding nitrogen retention in muscles to help them maintain or grow.
Many of the whey protein powder manufacturers claim that their products have BV values well above regular whey protein by various techniques such as ion-exchange processing, hydrolization, and adding other ingredients such as specific amounts of limiting essential amino acids.
Hydrolyzation is a process breaking large peptides into smaller ones. It is sometimes referred to as "pre-digested".
Regular undigested whey will be broken down into di- and tri-peptides via enzymes in the gut (which gastric bypass patients no longer have). This process takes a while, even in the non-gastric bypass person. Hydrolyzation is useful when protein delivery is needed very quickly so the body doesn't have to require the time and enzymes doing it. The benefit is of having a quickly absorbed protein to ensure muscle tissue is flooded with nutrients in a timely manner.
So, because we(gastric bypass patients) don't have a stomach and the stomach acids, etc, anymore, we don't process the undigested proteins properly and malabsorb most of them. The same is for the normal food we eat. We don't absorb most of it. We, therefore, need the more highly absorbed, pre-digested protein supplements.....whey which is pre-digested (aka hydrolized) order to get the proper nutrients our bodies need and are no longer able to get from food.
So, whereas whole egg, cow's milk, egg white are near the top of the list of bioavailability for "normal" people, they are not pre-digested (hydrolized), so for us, they are not as high on the list as pre-digested whey protein. Our bioavailability list would be quite different from the "normal" person's list.
So, make sure your protein powder or drink states that it is pre-digested or hydrolized. And the best kind of protein would be a whey blend protein. Second best would be a 100% whey protein. Isolates, though good for a quick acting pick-me-up, are not sufficient alone for the gastric bypass patients on-going maintenance requirements.
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
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Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
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Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265 Current Weight:143
So I run like a keep up!
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265 Current Weight:143
So I run like a keep up!
Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265 Current Weight:143
So I run like a keep up!