Update on this AM and about my new job!!!
Howdy all! Hope you all had a wonderful day, just as I did. My appointment this am went better than I could have hoped and dreamed for and now it is all over! I am so glad to have one less worry hanging over me. I thank God for the outcome and am estatic to put it all behind me. My new job is going wonderful. I absolutely love it. Most people would not want the people interactions that I will be having, but I am definately a "people person" and it is just what I need! I transferred on Monday of last week and was supposed to begin training then but the class was cancelled until June. Or so we were told. The formal training began today. It was rather boring since they were covering a lot of things that I already knew, but I still enjoyed it. I am now in a position were I am appreciated and have co-workers that actually help you instead of hindering you. My manager does not micro manage and is happy to see you succeed. I have agreed to remain in this position for at least a year and that is fine. I will use that time to learn as much as I can and gain valuable info for an even better position when the time comes. Life seems to be looking up for me for a change. Everything seems to be falling into place where it should be. I am excited and looking forward to a wonderful summer with family and friends. I want to thank everyone here that has continued to keep my entire family in their thoughts and prayers. I know that we could not have made it this far without all of you. You are my sounding board and here to give me a shoulder to cry on when I need it. I love you all and thank God for bringing you all into my life. I am here for any of you if you need me. You all know where to find me! Love, Tammy
OH Support Group Leader - [email protected]
Believing in yourself makes it so much easier in supporting those who need your friendship, love, and support,so Believe in yourself First.
Charlottesville, Virginia VA FFP's Meet's every 4th Sat.