Ashburn Event Observations.........

Karen B.
on 5/4/08 1:36 am - VA
Hiya Penny! It was a great time and you should definetly try to make it to one, the next one in October is in DC,events/action,event_ details/?pkid=2003&key=447052df7b027b686c3df1f1c9e7342c Not much info yet but I am sure they will update it!! Take care

Karen Be gentle and kind
Lost over 200 pounds
Not skinny by any means but happy by all means :)
(deactivated member)
on 5/5/08 2:33 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Thank you for the kind words! I wanted to say that it was great to meet you and your mom!! The pool was hot but did not seem so hot after a while in there though  - when we came out again you and your mom had gone.....  I am glad that you enjoyed the event! Hope to see you again soon! Jackie
on 5/4/08 1:54 am, edited 5/4/08 9:44 am - Barboursville, VA
Whooooowhooooo Going out to Jackie and the OH for a great event it was great to see everyone and meet new faces and cant wait Im packing the bag and  sending the email now to Joanna now for the repeat return of us some OH in central VA and Jackie Thodos in Oct. Over all everything  was wonderful w/ a few minor things but we are all adults here and w/ Jeremy's presentation lets  continue doing the exercise we are doing  trump it up and let's hope if he is there in Oct  he will learn from this experieance we want more than what we got this time, we all know we cant sit and NOT do nothing and not loose. So please those newbie there this weekend  dont look at is presentation as you are not to go and do anything, find the exercise you enjoy, if your in a gym or  ymca look for that  trainer to help you up the exercise to help you personally meet your goal. Lord knows Im no Dr but I even know this. So Lets go out there and walk, ride, swim, run whatever it is you enjoy just do it! I hope everyone took something great away from this and will attend the Oct. event and when I was standing here and there over the weekend I heard somethings and you know when OH comes on the VA Board at the top of our Board and ask for FEEDBACK? This is the type of stuff there lookong for so if you have been to this event for gosh sake when Nikkie come and ask send her the feedback because she has a sured some of us  that those emails are read. So  send them so they can be better prepared for Oct! Jackie I know your in Fla now girl but you RAWK!!!!!!!   Courtney thank you baby girl for you lil gift Im so sorry you ran in before I could thnak you or even say good bye yesterday but I hope to see you real soon good luck w/ that lil ones dress. Dianna and Julie and Jim your a hoot  was good to see you girls again. I wanna say to my FFP Va girls thanks for coming out I was so proud of all of you coming up and showing your support! Ruth, Bonnie Karen, Momma Leigh, Alma, Kimmie, Kat, momma Pat, Terry hope you all had a great time. I know our car load was having some fun going back home.   Cathy A thnaks for the extras you sent me back with to share w/ my gang. Jill, Mary, Diane You guys are great inspirations and keep doing what  your doing and Diane I hope to get to meet up w/ you again someday so continue the talk we started by the pool best luck to everyone there and may all your journeys be a sucess. Just follow the rules of your surgeons and you will do great. Oh and BTW remember that the VA Board is here for  you to come to no matter your need, if you didnt learn anything the weekend I know you seen and learned this. We stick together like glue. And also Dr Goldburg, Dr Krieger they are great plastic sugeons and I will say I also learned  some very great information that I was told right here in my  surgeons office that couldnt be done, they openly said it could be , so my  next round will most likley be up in there office, So those who have come to me  for infomation  GO to Dr Keigers/ Dr Goldburgs sights and  look them up there wonderful men. Hope your Sunday is a restful and great day.
 VAFFPsLogo.jpg FFP's picture by in2lights
OH Support Group Leader - [email protected]
Believing in yourself makes it so much easier in supporting those who need your friendship, love, and support,so Believe in yourself First.
Charlottesville, Virginia VA FFP's Meet's every 4th Sat.

(deactivated member)
on 5/5/08 2:37 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Melinda I can always rely on you for the feel good factor!! Thank you so much for your comments! Tell OH what you want from future OH events - they will appreciate it..... they want feedback... And you are right 0 the VA Board is here for all of you for support! Jackie
on 5/4/08 1:16 pm - White Post, VA
RNY on 08/30/05 with
Hi, Beach Jill!!!  It was great seeing you...I agree with you 100% abou the chick from Flourish the Journey...!!!  DId you catch the comment where she said she never had WLS...but she "knows".  Yeah right!  I hope OH doesn't allow her or her company back to any other OH sponsored events.  She is only trying to use us to make money.  I was highly upset with some of her statements! You and I both know...PROTEIN is the key to continued health for us! Anyway - I'm off my soap box!  The conference was awesome!!! Many hugs!! Jill

~*~Jill Dennis~*~
Something to think about...There are two ways of spreading be the candle or the mirror that reflects...No matter what may cross your path today...choose to have a great day!!!

278+ pounds Pre-Surgery
300+ pounds Highest
Today I am below goal at 135 pounds 
and lovin' life!!

Jon is now at the doctor's goal!!!
300+ pounds Pre-Surgery
Today he is 175 pounds and lovin' life!!

Sporty Jill
on 5/4/08 9:19 pm - Norfolk, VA

Well....I spoke to her afterwards, to express my concern that people would either get the wrong message, not follow their doctor's orders or become even more confused.  Ya...that went over like a lead balloon. 

She made it quite clear to me that because she is a Registered Dietician, with a Master's Degree and has been a RD for 25 years (working with WLS patients for 6 years) that she knows.  While I agree that she may certainly know a lot more than I do, my point is this: Do not come to a forum such as this WITHOU assess each patient and tell them to ignore what their doctor's have said becuase supplements are a waste of money.  And that is exactly what she did.

What is someone like Donna Mae, who only eats 2 ounces a sitting suppose to do without those supplements???

Someone like me who works out like a fiend cannot EAT the 1800 - 2000+ calories I am suppose to be striving towards.  But, 400+ calories in supplements makes it a bit easier to get there.

I think that she could have been a really good speaker if she had presented her response better.  But, to simply say that supplements are a waste of money is not the correct answer.


Like you...I am hoping that OH does not invite her again or if they do...they put a muzzle on her.


My 2 cents.....

     Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265  Current Weight:143 
So I run like a keep up! 

Kitty Kat
on 5/5/08 5:17 am - Richmond, VA
Good pm Jill & folks,

I'm not wanting to take too much longer to get my thoughts, opinions and suggestions out here for ya'll to read and reflect upon because I feel that its important to do so, so that folks can really get an idea of a variety of what was covered, what wasn't covered and things that we can truly provide feedback on, improve upon personally and as a group/events subscriber/participant in what ever the capacity and so that we can really grow and learn from the experience.

I'd like to start off by saying it was truly a fantastic couple of days and although I personally didn't get to spend as much time as I'd have liked to talking with some folks I am really blessed for the time, conversations and many, many laughs that were shared.

Jackie you did a PHENOMENAL service to us and to the conference as a whole. I really was cheering/praying for you all along the way and you were really great about everything. I know you were really busy, really nervous (even though personally I didn't see the nervousness just the smiles, rallying the participants and being just a friendly and accessible as possible) and the outfit changes and keeping things moving along and really truly reaching your audience were accomplished with grace and poise and I am so delighted you were given this opportunity because you shined greatly and I'm very thankful I was able to participate in this event with everyone.

The set up of the conference was really wonderful in almost all of the aspects. Having attended several I was very happy to see it come together so wonderfully.

First up was Dr. Krieger. I was really impressed with his vast knowledge of the surgeries and his history as a doc and that he's got a wonderful history of helping those *****ally and truly need his expertises (those coming back from war and us with re-constructive surgery) is really comforting and a gift/blessing. I appreciated the slides and explanations especially where plastics is concerned since that is the next phase I'm looking towards. I found him to be to the point, no sugar coating, helpful, articulate and very compassionate. I didn't have my mini consultation with him Saturday but instead with Dr. Goldberg. I'm pursuing MANY options and arming myself with knowledge and when I see Dr. Goldberg I will also request to speak with Dr. Krieger as well.

Next, was Dr. Goldberg. I found his presentation lively, driven, open and compassionate as well along with some great humor which brought smiles to my face more than once. I really enjoyed his slides and presentation and that he's a wonderful consideration for my re-constructive surgery as well. I had my mini consultation with him and found him to be very honest, open, no sugar coating, conversed freely about the area (since I'm from Richmond and know some but not a lot about the area) and I felt very comfortable with him from the moment we began chatting. I learned quite a bit from him with regard to the path I'm pursuing and asked several questions and his answers were thorough and helpful. I'm really looking forward to hearing from his/their office this week and scheduling a full consultation. I'm in the processing mode which means I'm writing down questions, concerns and such to bring along with me. I'm taking into account others experiences and stories they've shared with me before having met him and since and those will play a factor in some decisioning as well.

I have to say that it was REALLY inspiring and beneficial to see the slides more over the pictures of before and afters and to have the different procedures explained in a bit more detail. It has and continues to help me in my learning and decisioning about this phase of the journey. I was really impressed with the differences and I wanted to say "THANKS" to Jill, Jackie, Mary, Diane and others who shared their stories about reconstructive surgery along with their scars and the processes. Ya'll are truly helping me in my processing and I really am thankful for you and the learning/knowledge.

As a side note with regards to reconstructive surgery he mentioned I could potentially being this part of my journey in late summer. I'm assuming here which isn't the best case scenario for me (this is an indicator of future posts and pms some will be getting from me since this is one area I'm struggling with) some folks seemed to be a bit apprehensive about this possibility. So, I'm going to be addressing some folks with some questions, concerns and asking for their support and encouragement and of course opinions and feedback. I will say I was overwhelmed and had only gotten about 10 hours of sleep since Thursday so as its said "perception is reality" and I felt like my perception of how others viewed what I'd mentioned as wow, that's quick and uh I don't think so. Again, I could be wrong so YOU might be hearing from me.

Moving onto Dr. Halmi's presentation I have to say that I wasn't sure he was prepared to address our particular audience. Admittedly there were SOME pre-ops there along with their significant others and family etc however, I felt that the majority of the audience were in process, to newly post-op, to a few years out and further and his review of various surgeries was where I think his message was a bit lost and not that relevant. In addition, he spoke about the StomaphyX procedure. Although I'm glad it was a part of the presentation I really felt like there wasn't enough detail and data available to him to really give us a good overview/explanation of it. Added to this was the obvious shortage of answers to questions many had. Insurance does not cover this procedure yet and only 4 have been performed by him/his practice. Its great to hear up and coming procedures to expand our knowledge libraries but I frankly wasn't impressed and am not sure it really went as well as he had hoped. I'm not sure have much more to express on this particular section of the conference.

The vendors were interesting and I swiped samples, pamphlets, magazines and talked with most of them with regard to their products and for me it was processing time more than making purchases right then with the exception of the Fast Forward B12 Complex spray/mist from Bariceutical in which its supposed to give relatively quick bursts of energy to help aid in those sluggish times. It's a 34 day supply using 3 sprays per usage under the tongue, holding it for 20 seconds then swallowing. I'm interested in seeing if this truly benefits me especially with the fast paced life I lead and having 2 young buggas to raise and changing up my exercise/diet plans I'm hoping this is an added benefit. I did grab samples of various things and will be experimenting with them to see if those might work for me. In all, I am happy to have been able to receive lots of information, samples to work with/try and plan to thank those vendors who I can contact either by way of OH or them directly.

Next up was lunch. I'd been thinking of the menu and going over what was made available to us and have some thoughts I'd like to share on it. There was a variety of foods there and for me I would have liked to seen just a bit more in the way of say finger foods such as cheeses and more veggies (other than broccoli/veggie mix and taters). I personally enjoyed the fish, salad and a few taters. I'm very appreciative as well for the variety of drinks made available to us. Coffees (reg & decaf), teas, various condiments (sugars, creamers etc) and tea for lunch along with water of course! In my opinion, I think the menu could have use a little more expansion for future events. However, I'd like to mention that with the conference being FREE and the expenses were on that of OH I say a job well done!

Moving along to Heidi Ecker who has lost a substantial amount of weight on her own (110 lbs) and was a participant on Extreme Makeover. I found her presentation to be interesting and inspiring in that she has certainly accomplished something we've all spent our lives struggling with. Her message was uplifting however, in my opinion I felt like she just didn't connect with us and I don't think its was just because she hadn't had surgery but because the meat and potatoes if you will of her presentation weren't there for me personally. The slide presentation which I understand had a video to accompany it (which we didn't get to view because of technical difficulties) just wasn't something to compliment her overall story. It was the very same picture of her on every slide and the bullet points where hard to follow. I tried to find ways to tie her story in with mine/ours but I couldn't follow it. The struggles were there, some of her stories touched nerves but overall I just couldn't say that it was something I felt benefited me/us as a WLS group/conference setting. In addition, I didn't find much in the way of her journey, stumbling blocks during the journey, setbacks, motivators, what occurred during her transformation leading up to and after Extreme Makeover and I also didn't feel like she connected with us on some important levels as to the needs we encounter during this journey. Finally, I think she's a wonderful person, I congratulate her on her success and I would encourage her to really dig deep to pull together a presentation that is more detailed and specific to her audience. All best to Heidi!

Onto the Fashion Fit Formula ladies! I was encouraged and looking very forward to seeing their presentation as I thought they might cover things such as clothing that might work with/compliment those of us who are working towards goals such as more weight loss, skin issues and utilizing clothing we already have and/or making minimal purchases that might help us during transitional periods (such as newly post-op and losing lb very quick to having excess skin issues and pursuing plastics and not wanting to continue buying clothing until we reach long lasting goals) however, I didn't find those areas covered at all or well. Basically its a system of measurement of the body that allows us to choose more appropriate clothing based on our bodies. While I found some of the information beneficial and interesting I like many other folks just could not find justification for the sum of money even at the reduced conference prices to really settle in my head the expense. $250, $150 and I believe an internet pricing of $99 for the online system which was mentioned and explained that its rarely purchased. Again, this is my opinion and what I took away from the presentation but just couldn't find common ground in a beneficial manner to utilize the program.

Next up was Jeremy Gentles, OH's fitness expert. I was left unimpressed and frankly I felt like his presentation severely lacked depth, content and likability. I felt like his message was all over the place and that although I agree with Jill he is more scientific, I once again didn't gain the meat and potatoes knowledge I was hoping for. The slide presentation which consisted of a few different things just weren't very well laid out and I felt were misleading especially with regards to the not exercising yet still losing weight in the first 6 months reveal that he did. I thought that was done in poor taste and sent out a negative message that could lead to some folks believing they have to do little or nothing in those months which in my opinion is NOT accurate, NOT advisable and NOT very professional and I think that its important to note that just the opposite is true. In addition, he downed using exercise equipment such as the stability balls and even the Gazelle (a strong apparent dislike) and other materials. I think this also sent out a negative message and almost a confusing one. He said find something you enjoy and do it which is great but then he turns around and says oh but these pieces of equipment are not really beneficial. What might very well work wonders in many folks workout plans varies and regardless of his personal opinion I think it was not appropriate to say those things.

I'd also like to mention that when questions were posed to him it seemed more like opinion than fact and at best the answers (which some were very widely known in our group to have already been researched and answered) just seemed to lack the very real and serious aspect of weight gain, the reasons for it, the ways to help get things moving again (motivation) and the very real importance of reassuring folks with explanations that make sense. I'm VERY glad Jill posed questions to him in the manner that she did however, I felt that as a whole, at best, his overall presentation was a poor attempt but could have really been great. Lastly, I gather time was a factor and personally I would like to see some marked improvements and have it catered to us in a more relevant, meat and potatoes, down to earth ways. All best to Jeremy!

The panel of folks which came up on stage after seeing before pictures was really great. I appreciated seeing the before pictures and then seeing them on stage was really eye opening. Listening to their stories of transformation and them answering questions for the group as a whole was really great of them. I also enjoyed their being open with us. Then came a part of the conference in which I also as with others was really bothered by and that was the lady who spoke about protein, how much, absorption stopping after 90 grams and not 'wasting' our money on supplements. I for one, found it unacceptable, unprofessional and unfortunately I do not and will support that. Having apparently worked with bariatric patients for if I'm remembering 6 years I personally think that making those statements would have triggered MANY to question her. I wasn't privy to her and Jill's conversation post conference but I'm really glad Jill addressed her and I really think that she needs to again remember her target audience and needs to handle future speeches a lot better and more factually sound data. It's key to present things in a POSITIVE manner and remembering there are varying degrees of patients in the audience. I VERY glad Jackie mentioned remember to follow the instructions of YOUR surgeon/nut before starting, changing up or expanding your diet and exercise plans. PLEASE HEED THAT!

The closing statement and prizes were wonderful as well. I was thrilled to have been able to share/spend time with such a wonderful group of folks who I hope to continue learning from and with and also sharing our journeys now and in the future. It was great to meet up for dinner in the later pm at Chili's (one of my favorite places to eat) and I really enjoyed flirting with the waiters, cracking jokes and cutting up/carrying on! I really needed time to have some fun since there has been little of that in my life lately.

A few notes:

Jill THANKS for sharing your poll dancing video with us. Not only am I REAL proud of you but you are very inspiring and did such a wonderful job. Thanks also for passing along tips about um stickin' em out like ya bought 'em and the like! HYSTERICAL & LOTS of fun! I cannot WAIT for pics!

Stephanie, Melinda, Kimmie & Mom it was spiffy sharing a room together. I'm really glad everyone was able to make it and ya'll are great & a riot. Thanks for putting up with me and my wise cracks and sleepy sillies! Oh yeah and might I add the SILLY ride home! LOL!

Dianna it was REALLY great to see you and I am hoping to be able to again soon where we can really catch up. I'm REALLY proud you're doing all right and loved seeing you!

Julie WOW! It was great seeing you and you look fantastic! You've done wonderfully. I hope that you keep it up!

Jim spiffy to meet you sir and what a riot huh? I'm VERY happy you're here and hope things come together for you at your appointment this Wednesday. Please keep us posted.

Lauren it was great to meet you and I'm glad you had a good time. You're local as well so hopefully we can get together again soon.

Christina it was REALLY nice to see you and your friend. I'm glad the Nationals won the game and that ya'll came to dinner. Btw, I'm so taking you up on the offer to come up and visit and "veg" and spend time with you. I think its something I need GREATLY.

Courtney HOLY SMOLY! You are SMOKIN' for dang sure Beautiful! I really & truly was so happy to see you and the smile on your face was just great. Prayers have been added for what you asked them for and if you need anything I'm here to help too.

Mary I really enjoyed seeing you and talking again. I'm thrilled at how you are doing since having plastics. You are looking great for sure!

Ann I'm glad you could make it and enjoy some time with us. Hope you are feeling better!

I am really and truly grateful/thankful to have shared in this conference and I really am looking forward to future ones. I hope I'm not forgetting anyone or anything but I'm still processing. Thanks for EVERYONE!
Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

(deactivated member)
on 5/5/08 2:49 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Kat thank you so muh for the kind words and the understanding of my feelings - once I am out there i knew I could roll with the punches........ but the hours of preparation I did to make it seem like I did not do much worked out well and I had enough ready for any occasion lol! But I am sad I did not get the time I would have liked to have spent more time with you  - but there will be other occasions and we can make up for that! Your observations are really important and you shoudl make them known to OH - this is precisely the kind of feedback they are looking for. While they know they can't please everyone   - I know they will do their best to please the majority..... I am so happy that you came though! And got some great advice about your future contouring! Jackie
Kitty Kat
on 5/5/08 8:09 pm - Richmond, VA
Jackie I have to say that I am so proud of you! I don't think you know how much but I am still. I just cannot say enough about you and you were on the go, go, go but you truly were a natural up there. I plan to give feedback to OH for sure. I do think its important as well. I agree its hard to please everyone and I did enjoy much of the conference but there are definitely a few areas that could use improvement. I say its just like us going through our journeys and we have growing pains and have to learn lessons by trial and error and its much like those folks getting feedback on their speeches. Its a learning experience. I understand they are supposed to be professionals or shall I say experts in their fields but then again so are we really. Always growing, learning, experiencing and changing. Hugs to you and hope your trip for business and such is going well! Looking forward to chatting with you soon!
Kitty Kat - Lap RNY 29th Jan 03
Blessed Momma to Kayla & Nora
Sober since 25th Aug 07
Thankful for the easy, grateful for the hard & hopeful for tomorrow.

(deactivated member)
on 5/5/08 2:28 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Hi jill, Thank you so much for the kind comments and I am glad that I managed to make it fun for you and that you had a great time at the event. It would not be professional of me to comment on any of the sponsors as i was doing this for OH and not myself. All I would say was please make OH aware of your feelings on any of the speakers as this is the kind of feedback they need to help them plan other events.... If you think any of the speakers were fabulous - let them know - if you disliked any of them  -  let them know also....  future events are in the hands of people like yourself - you have a voice - let it be heard!! I am sure you will do what  makes you feel the best  lol! Jackie
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