Cheryl Emergency Surgery!
On New Year's Eve Cheryl and I went out and had a great time as always! All of a sudden she seemed extremely drunk or dumping or something...All I know is she was white as a ghost, sweaty and nauseous! She had only had a couple of drinks so I figured that the champagne was too sweet and got her sick. I took her home and by Monday evening, she was still naseous and now had pain in her side. Her mom took her to the ER. At 11pm last night when I talked to her mom, she was drinking the contrast dye so that they could do an MRI. They had to wait 2 hours for the dye to kick in. Cheryl called me at about 6 this morning (a lil drugged up) saying that she just got out of recovery...she had to have her appendix taken out. I spoke to her this evening and she said she keeps passing out and they don't know why. I told her to have her mom bring her vitamins and protein...hopefully that will help her. Please keep my best girl in your prayers...I am going to give her tonight to rest and go see her tomorrow night. She is in Chesapeake General.
OMG Cristine.. I had no idea.. thank you for sharing.. Please please please, send my love and gentle hugs to our girl Cheryl. Tell her my love and thoughts are with her. I'm so happy her mom got her to the ER before the appendix burst.
When is she due to be released? I work in Chesapeake, and would love to pay her a visit, if you think she's up to it.. please let me know.. "[email protected]" if you wanna gimme a private email..
Thanks for the 411
She's still kinda passing out and in a lot of pain so she was getting ready to drink more contrast and get another CT Scan or MRI or whatever. She said for me to call her before I go up on Wednesday because she may be getting out but it doesn't sound to me like she will be getting out tomorrow. I'm planning to go right after work at about 5ish. She sounds pretty bad on the phone and I don't know if it is grogginess from the pain meds or the pain itself or if something else is going on. She said she is in waaay more pain than she was after her gastric bypass.
Wow Christine,
Please do update us on how she progresses today. Sounds like she might have something else going on.. You'd think after having the appendix removed, she'd have felt relief, not more pain.
I'll check for your update to the boards, but feel free to email me at work if you want to.. [email protected]