Prayers needed here also. My first grocery store experiance!
I wanted everthing in sight I felt as if I as fighting the beast of food. When I got to the car I cryed really hard for the first time since surgery 1 week ago. I think I need to try some new pureed recipes. I want to chew & stuff myself. Old habits are hard to break. Please pray for me as I feel things instead of stuffing myself to numb the pain. I know I can do this. I just need to know that others have been there & that things are going to be better. Thanks for being here for me. Hugs & Happy New Year, Pam
It isn't easy, Sweetie...I know..I am still fighting it. This is not as easy as some people think it is just a tool. I am a foodaholic and I still have to fight the battle...I am an addict and wanting to replace food with something else..gotta find something healthy to replace it with. I am here for ya if you need to ya..Hugs, Betsy
Hi Pam, I am so sorry that you feel like this - it is very hard at this time of year for normal people far less people like us! Luckily you physically can't chew and stuff yourself and you should be happy that you did not try to! Next time you go shopping make sure that you feel full so you will not feel the same temptations. It takes at least three weeks to develop a new habit and you are only one week out from surgery....
It is quite natural to feel this way and many people have done this. Also your body is still out of balance from the effects of the anesthetic etc... you will start to feel better soon I promise..
I am praying for you Pam. I am in the same boat. It took all the will power I had and my friends and family to keep me from eating at Christmas. When my head tells me I need to eat, I tell some one that I want to eat. In turn they remind me what I am doing this for. I can hardly wait to start pureed foods. I am still on a liquid diet till Jan 3rd. I have even been dreaming about eating. This is very hard, but we will get through it. You have a whole world of support here. This VA board is the best. Pam, just remember we are here for you. You are in my prayers.
Pam my friend we are all here for you and support you so please dont be afraid to come here and vent or cry or talk, we all have had our ups and downs some worse than others and you will be fine, you hang in there we are here for you find healthy things for you to have and also a new hobboe will help you as well, I know hobbies can be expensive but there are some cheap things and Im sure there are plenty out there the VA board will share w/ you. Call anytime you need to hun prayers going your way.