Quit smoking
If I can do it, so can you! Done it three times (lol). Honestly, you need to do it.Even though I quit smoking 2 weeks before plastics, I still had gray residue come up from my chest after surgery. It's not fun coughing when you have incisions and cut muscles in the belly. My frind Val (boston val not stalkerval) smoked right upthe hour before pre-op and ended up on a respirator for a week. SO quit!. Dr. Clark made me quit 30 days before surgery. I actually quit 8 weeks before. Still had coughing.
Okay..lets put the fear of God Almighty in you to help ya out a little here...lol
The nicotine constricts the little tiny blood vessels that feed your body. if you don't get that icotine OUT of your system then you could potentially have problems with your micro circulation that feeds your new freshly sutured together intestines. You don't want to slowly rot because of poor circulation do you???????? Am I gross or what?...lol I know that is extreme but I have seen it.
I had an overflow patient who had a boob job and her newly formed nipple, on what would have been her PERFECT new rack, was rotting off because of the smoking thing. When I would do her dressing changes she discussed with me how she wished she would have just quit the month before like her doc requested.
You can do it !!! You have waited forever for this !!!!! I have faith in you !!!