I'm glad that Christine posted about the pictures or I woulda have MISSED your post!!!!! I shouldnt even be on the computer, I need to get my butt over to Oceana and Im already LATE (whatta' surprise, not) ...thankfully, Natalie's post KEPT me here longer then I expected and it gave me a chance to read Christines to you
(Hello Christine, how you doing girlfriend??? I WANNA GO DANCING, how about you?)
Anyway - loved the photos Amber, thanks for sharing them, I'm gonna right click on a few and save them to my hard drive.
I know I said it that night, but I'll say it again, you're absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Not that I expected any less, but it's always so much more "out there" when you finally get to meet the person.
LOLOL - Im still shocked to find out that you are as TALL as you are. You know how you form an "scenario" just based on a thumbnail message board picture? Well, my scenario had you at 5'2 or 5'3" ...NOT almost 6 foot tall.
WOWZIE-wow, you're gorgeous ....uh, and NO, Im not hitting on you.