Bad week for my son!
This has been a rough week for my three year old son. First of all he has a cold/allergy he is fighting for three weeks anyway so he is being pulled down. Then he made his first trip to the dentist this week and he was so brave! Now he needs quite a bit of treatment as he has a tooth issue and his teeth are soft and he needs a ton of fillings. I was mortified and very upset, but the dentist assured me some of this is hereditary and some is just the way his teeth are and you would not expect a three year old to have these kind of issues so I had to stop blaming myself and be grateful that I suspected something was not right. We set a date for Nov 30th so they can put him under and do everything in one go.
Then today he told me he didn't feel good and I had noticed that his allergy was starting to develop into a cough so had made an appointment for Monday to have him checked again..... Then he said his ear was hurting. We just had an ear infection a couple of weeks ago so I called the doctor and got him in an hour later. Now it turns out that he has an ear infection AND pneumonia and that I was right to be concerned. So now he has a ton of medication and we need to monitor him this weekend and call his doctor back on Monday to discuss any improvements or not as the case may be. So now his dental appointment on the 30th may be in jeopardy as he can't have it if they need to give him more antibiotics.
I hope this week will have no more problems for him and he can get back to his usual happy self! And my stress level can come back down off of the ceiling!!
I just got home from job #2 a bit ago and wanted to pop on here and check in.
Wow! I am so sorry that he is going through all of this. Poor baby! You are all in my prayers. Hopefully he will be well enough to do the dentist appointment.
Will write more later...I need to get to bed. I have been up for 23 hours and I am starting to feel it now!
Thanks Donna - he has been fighting a cold/allergies for over three weeks now and this week he got decidedly worse. Hopefully this new antibiotic will clear it all up - he is so good about taking his medication and the smell makes me feel like throwing up but he says he is taking it because it "will make me feel better". He is so sweet even when sick....
awwwwwwwwww - poor kid!
Sick kids are the sad and miserable. My 9 year old is hanging out at 103 degrees today- thank goodness for children's motrin- gives him stretches of not feeling like TOTAL crap!! Doc says just a virus and "perhaps" small ear infection- SCREW THAT - Gimme the antibiotic doc- better SAFE than sorry- and missing work Monday to stay home with him!
Hope the little ones feels better soon sweetie - and that you are taking care of yourself in the process~~
Thanks David. I did ask for an antibiotic as I do not want this to get any worse. He is also on Mortrin too so he has periods of being fine as well.
I am doing good even though it has been a really stressful week....... worrying about someone else saves me thinking about eating!!
Thanks for caring!
Oh Jackie, I am so sorry to here that. Poor little guy. Getting him to the dentist at three is really good, and not much you could of done different if he has soft teeth. I'm a bad mom and didn't get Logan in till he was five. You and the little one are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope he gets better in time for the 30th. Keep us posted Jackie, take care hon.
Well I did suspect that his front tooth was darkening and that he had an issue there and prepared him for what was going to happen. But even the dentist agreed that most people do not bring their kids to the dentist until they are much older. He has been a bit grumpy at times today and been fine at other times, depends on how his medication is cycling...... we are keeping everything crossed.... thanks for your concern