WLSC/Sentara Careplex Support Group Meeting
Come with us Kelli !! My gf teaches the class. She is one sexy woman. I am the team mom for football and her husband, a sexy navy seal, is one of the coaches. "Amber" is one of the most down to earth, beautiful on the inside and outside, people you would ever meet. The class I go to is every Thursday. It is so much fun. Even though I run every other night, I am always sore from the workout for a few days.
Let me know what time the meeting starts tomorrow. I NEED to go. I can't take the holiday desserts and needs as much help as I can get with support.
Love ya !!
WHAT????? Too late???? NEVER!!!!!!
Join us on Thursday! It's at 5:30. Dana and I can give you specifics tomorrow night. I'm looking at taking the beginner's class starting Monday after Thanksgiving, and Lei is looking at joining me for that. She is going to get through to Thanksgiving (and all of her adventures) and is also looking at doing the Thursday night class with us.
So....YOU HAVE TO COME!!! It will be alot of FUN!!!
"Joining you for ....what?" [perplexed look]....whatchu' talking about Willis?
LOL - guess if it's OUT THERE, it'll be harder for me to back out, huh? I swear, Ive been wanting to do this for over a year now, tried to recruit some of my other VaBeach girly-friends, last winter and none would bite. Wasnt any way I was going to do it on my own (cause IM just so shy and quiet).
My biggest fear? Truly is that I will resort to my good ol' standby of HUMOR. That's how Ive learned to deal with most that life tosses at me, good and bad, and I have a feeling the second I have to "try and be sexy" ...I'm gonna bust out laughing and never stop.
LMAO - hell, just typing about it makes me laugh, I have NO clue how to be sexy. Which is one of the reasons I wanted to take this class - 46 flippin years old and I have never learned how to "feel sexy in my own skin" ...with a little bit of luck, this course will help to teach me the basics and then of course the "routine" they send home with us, will get lots and LOTS of practice, before my man returns home.
Soooooooooooooooooo - wonder if I can get a MOD to delete this entire post? Figure if the evidence of my commitment is gone, you can't use it against me later when I chicken out. [lol, do you get the feeling you'll have to drive by my house and pry my fingers off my front door frame, to get me there?]. I really DO want to go and I really WILL commit to the first Monday after Turkey Day. With a little bit of luck, we'll get my redheaded twin to join us too - been working on Wendy in emails and live conversations. Figure if I'm gonna look like a goofball, she should to?
I replied to your email last night about lunch. Let me know if you don't get it (via AOL, which is a hit and miss) ...Friday and SUSHI is screaming our names, yes?
Hugs - Lei