A Wow Moment For Me!!!!!
G'morning Betsy,
Im such a wimpy-wooooosy kinda gal!!!! ...but even I wanna try this!! Wendy G. (aka Wendy Wooooooooooooooooo) and I keep talking about going Jet Skiing, which is about the same concept, but at least we have the sof****er to fall into (vs the hard ground) when I do something stupid, like...um, crash. LOL, I also have NO sense of direction, just ask anyone that's ever driven with me.
Hey, speaking of JILL, I got two voice mails from her and Jon, as they lounged on the beaches of Hawaii. Dontcha' know I was jealous jealous jealous? ...er, I mean, happy for them, of course. I tried calling her back, but I think they were finally on the Cruise boat at that point.
Keep enjoying LIFE, it just gets better and better with each day.
Hugs - Lei