buddy post addendum
on 11/6/06 12:19 am
on 11/6/06 12:19 am
i posted a post for a buddy in nova,,got a msg from a young girl that appeared to want a walking buddy etc,,but to my shegrin,,my age was a problem so,,i dont get my feeling hurt again,,i am a 47 yr old female,,i also had surgery march 05 and not with in the current yr...so if anyone cares to have a buddy and i meet your criteria..plse msg me..
Hey Beverly,
I would love to have a walking buddy. I too don't agree that age should be a problem. Just look at it this way, it was the other person's loss, not yours. I'm 51 and I wish I lived in NOVA but I'm in South Central. Good luck in finding someone that will be supportive.
Lots of Love