
on 10/25/06 5:42 am
I will be getting Southern Health Ins soon, does anyone know if they usually cover this?
on 10/25/06 9:28 pm - Winterville, NC
Hi Jennifer. I had Southern Health from UVA in Charlottesville before we moved to North Carolina. My husband's company had purchased the rider for covering the surgery, so in my case it was covered. They better have, since it was the hospital, and they do the procedure there . Anyway, a nurse at my PCP's office also had Southern Health, but through a different company, and they did not have the rider. So she could not get approved. My point in all this is, it depends on whether your employer purchased the rider to go with their policy. You can call the number on the back of your card, or get contact information from the Southern Health website, or try human resources at your job. They will be able to answer that question for you, plus tell you what requirements they have. I will tell you that, in my case, they required 6 months of doctor supervised weight loss and a round of tests. None of them were difficult. If you find out that you have the rider, you could consider starting to go once a month to the doctor for weigh-ins as soon as possible. Just make sure you need to before you waste that time and money. Also, the psych eval doc will want 6 weeks of eating and exercise logs. If you do it ahead of time, that's one less hold up. These are just some of the things I thought of. Good luck with getting approved. I am still waiting . I was almost approved in Charlottesville, then we moved and I had to start the process over here. I am ready to submit now and am waiting on the nurse case manager who is sitting on my paperwork. Take Care. ~Ellen
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