Scale won't move
I will be 3 months out on 10/31 and the scale is not moving much at all. I get in at least 60 oz. of liquids, around 60 oz. of protein from drinks, bars, and food, eat 3 oz. 3 times a day and have a protein bar as a snack 1 time per day. I have also had irregular bleeding from my period for abvout a week and now that it has slowed down my "real" period should start soon (I started these new birth control pills and have been having irregular bleeding). Do you think it's because of the crazy periods or am I consuming enough food? I also exercise at least 3 times a week for about an surgeon told me to eat until I feel full, but I wasn't comfortable doing that yet and I read that around the third month you should be consuming about 3 oz. so I stick with that.....any suggestions? Thanks, Monique D.
Monique you may not be eating enough - some of us needed 4 ounces at least by three months out - you need to listen to your body in case it is telling you it is not getting enough to eat. You should try eating until you get that full feeling - then stop. Sometims if the protein is dense you are full by the 3 ounces sometimes a few bites more makes all the difference. You may also want to up your protein - I take between 75 - 100g of protein a day - not from food - just from protein drinks - and have done since the 3rd week of surgery..... I don't count any of my protein from food because we malabsorb and no-one really knows how much of the protein we actually do get.
You may want to make an appointment with your nutritionist and get her/him to review what you are eating....
Hope this helps
I'm about the same place in my journey as you are....I had a "what's going on week"....scale seemed to bounce around within 5 pounds and then settled back down. I agree with the other poster...use that tape measure! Also, my nut. told me that we should be getting in a decent amount of calories now and that I wasn't eating enough (I had to add an extra 200 calories!! So against the grain of what my brain is programmed to do!).
SO...a date with the tape measure and a call to your nut. may be what you need.
Best to you,
Christina S