on 10/18/06 12:05 am - hopewell, VA
hello all, yesterday i went to my pcp.. she prescibed my a drug called "MOBIC" for my back and knee pain. I asked her several times if it was ok for me to take due to wls. she said yes. I never just take her word for it as she is not a gastric by-pass doctor. so i proceeded to call dr. schirmer (my wls doctor) i talked to the nurse at his office and she said it was "ok" to take. well Thank god I'm one of those people who just has to look things up on the net to see for myself.. well i did and sure enough it was something we should NEVER EVER take a "nsaid" so all is well i never took the drug THANK GOD!!! so this i just a warning to you all CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK!!!!! what ever doctors want to give you they do make mistakes sometime just like us!!! i did call dr. schirmers office back and ask why it is they told me it was "ok" and janet said well if you have to take it. then take it but it will cause ulcers.. what are they nuts!! Thank you for your time for letting me vent and warn you all!!! take care and hugs, holly My pcp
*~Tigger~ *
on 10/18/06 12:10 am - Staunton, VA
Holly, Did you ask them when you were scheduled for your BLIND NG TUBE????? (I wouldn't put it past them!) JoAnn
on 10/18/06 12:13 am - hopewell, VA
Of coarse i did!!! you know me !!!! lol!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/18/06 12:11 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
I can not believe they told you that it was ok to take ... ulcers .. you first hand have knowledge of how dangerous that can be .. OMG .. I am so glad you looked it up . NSAIDS ..will damage your pouch .. and will cause ulcers . Why else would they tell us not to take them ... YOUR PCP Love ya , Tink
on 10/18/06 10:26 am - hopewell, VA
I can't beleive it either.. today they tryed to give me yet another drug we can't take thank goodness i was with joann and she said NO WAY!!! maybe they will get it right someday!!! lol!!! hugs, holly
(deactivated member)
on 10/18/06 12:59 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Holly, Just as well you are so smart and checked it out! We so need to be our own guards on everything the doctors give us to take....... close call! Jackie
on 10/18/06 10:27 am - hopewell, VA
Jackie you are very right we all need to be our own guards!!! hugs, holly
on 10/18/06 1:23 am - In the middle of the woods, VA
Hey Holly, I was told the same thing - that it is okay to take NSAIDs as needed. Well, I have needed them - I have both MS and FMS. I took 2 Aleve just this morning, and it barely is taking the edge off some serious pain - without it I was not functional. I guess I figured it was a trade-off for being able to get through a day - that somewhere down the road I might have troubles with ulcers and/or bleeding. Do you have any alternative ideas for pain? I would sparingly take one of my pain killers left over from surgery, but some of the pain I have they cannot target because it is nerve-related. Any thoughts? Crystal
on 10/18/06 10:31 am - hopewell, VA
crystal, i dont have any alternatives for pain.. i know we can take percoset and vicodin but im not sure of any others.. what kind of nerve problems are you having? i will not take any of that stuff msaid no matter what.. i know very 1st hand what ulcers can do as my boyfriend keith form the boards has them.. take care and hugs, holly
on 10/19/06 7:56 am - In the middle of the woods, VA
Aaaggghhh! This has been bothering me ever since seeing your post. I feel at a total loss as to what I can do. What type of pain do you have Holly, and did you find anything that will work to replace what was Rxed to you? My nerve problems can range from face or skull pain to odd sensations in my feet, legs, hands, arms. The sensations can be painful stabbing type pain, or weird like the feeling ants are crawling on me, or like water is running down my legs. I also get stabbing eye pain. And the bladder issues are probably nerve related too - I've been out of the MS loop for too long now. It's the Fibromyalgia pain that gets me because it's not just joints, but connective tissue. If I didn't take something (anti-inflammatory) for about 5 days last week I would not have been able to walk because the soles of my feet hurt so bad I fell getting out of bed before realizing what was happening. And then there's the hand and finger pain, elbows, shoulders, neck, hip, and sometimes knees. I sound like an old woman!! But without those I have no quality of life when things are this bad - so what to do??? If anyone has ideas, I'm open! Crystal
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