Profile Help .

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/06 8:56 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
With me being out on sick leave , and nothing but time . If you want your profile spruced up , let me know . What I will need are the following . A Theme : Your favorite Colors: User Name : Password . Once I am done I you can reset your password. I will email you with the background before I set it . I will also convert your old profile over. If it is a very long one , I will put it under one Archive , so people can see it . As I get in the responces , I will let you know what # you are in order of doing these . AS some may take me a day or two . Thanks , Natalie
(deactivated member)
on 10/17/06 9:10 pm -'Beach, VA
Okay, I DON'T UNDERSTAND what this "conversion" stuff consists of. Does this mean all my "hand typed" hyper links are all gonna go away? Do I lose all the photos that are already embedded in my profile? Ive looked at a few of the new profiles, including yours, and all the photos are in ONE place of the profile. Where as in my current profile I have them laced through out my journal. Uh - and what exactly is an ARCHIVE? Does that mean you can view my profile the OLD way and the NEW way? [sigh] ....hold me? LOL, Im so freakn confused my hair hurts. I have to warn you, when my hair starts hurting? It normally prompts me to go into GRAZE mode, methinks Im gonna have to bill my next WLS to OH, if that happens?
(deactivated member)
on 10/17/06 9:17 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
It appears that when they set this up , they did not allow for HTML to load on to their format . So for those that already have used HTML it does not convert over . What you will have to do .. and I know you have this as I took your suggestion , is go to your word doc that you have your profile saved to . Start putting in your blog section . You can do this one of two ways . You can do each date ( But for you you have 4 years of postings ) or you can do it by year . Or .. another suggestion : If you know a good site that you can link your profile to .. such as you can set one up .. and just copy and paste your profile to that and link it to your page . That way all people have to do is go to your link . Archiving When you place the text in the blog . Look down where it says advanced tab . You can change the date on that and it will create an archive . The place they have where it says " My Story " does not hold our entire profile it is too short , So I use the blog format . As to the pics ... you can still load them . You will need to find the HTML tag that goes with it . Place it on your blog date , but you will need to add it in the HTML tab .. ( Upper right hand corner of the blog sheet ) There is where you will place the photo . Of if you have links to your photo album , set them up in the blog . And yes .. I have way to much time on my hands ... I tried to pull my hair out .. but too short ... Love ya .. tink
Christina R.
on 10/17/06 10:12 pm - Reston, VA
Lei- I'm still playing with the new format (haven't fully converted) and it seems like you can make your photos into links...instead of displayed. That's the option I did since the photos in my "old" profile are linked to the entries that they were posted too. SO...even though they're not displaying as pictures, they are there for viewing. Just an option, Christina S
(deactivated member)
on 10/17/06 11:16 pm -'Beach, VA
Thanks for the tip, Christina, I suspect that's the route that I'll be taking too. I'm gonna have to take a peek at your profile and 'see' exactly what you're talking about. I really do have the hardest time with learning anything new, I'm more of a VISUAL kinda gal, verses a text book. At the sake of whining too long and too much ....[sigh]....but I will, I just wish OH had allowed us a CHOICE to keep the old, or convert to the new. The biggest LOSS I see with all of this? A lot of newbies (myself included, 4 years ago) come to this site looking for OLD information. We want to know where the OLD TIMERS are, people who had the surgery, 5, 10, 15 years out. If OH fades out the OLD format and those people don't convert, does this mean this information is LOST for all times sake? lol, and NO, that's not a question to you, just an observation on my part. Im waiting to hear back from Ruth (Tooter) on the "fade out" date, typical Lei style, Im sure I'll procrastinate till the last second. Have a fantastic day - Lei
Christina R.
on 10/18/06 12:48 am - Reston, VA
Lei- HA...well...I wish you could look at my "new" profile, but I've not 100% converted quite yet. I like the "old" format too....I've played with the new format, but haven't hit the button to convert. I'm waiting to be sure they have ALL the bugs worked out first! I can send you a screen shot of what I was talking about though...if you think that would help!? Christina S
Christina R.
on 10/19/06 8:59 pm - Reston, VA
Hey Lei- I now you can see what I did with my profile. Apparently it's as easy as copy and paste to get the pictures to display. I'm sure you've got plenty of folks to help you convert, but if you have any questions for me, just let me know! Christina S
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/06 10:06 pm -'Beach, VA
WOWOW - I love what you did wih yours, Christine!!!!!!! LOL, Oh and trust me, no one wants to help lil ol sweet (cough) whining me. They know Im high maintenance (not sure how that keeps getting out) couple that with the blonde roots, and I'm pretty much hopeless. I'm going to put it off till I get back from 'Tucky and the convention - hopefully I can get mine to look HALF as good as yours. btw -- I absolutely LOVE this picture of you!!! Have a great one - Lei
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/06 10:07 pm -'Beach, VA
{sigh} ...sorry, I meant "Christina"!!!!!! I hate when people make typos on my name, so I try to be extra careful when I'm spelling out someone elses. Let's just blame it on the coffee, or lack of, shall we?
on 10/18/06 3:56 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
My old profile is spruced up. I have yet to do whatever has to be done to make the new one. Can everything be transferred? Can you do this as part of your kind offer? thanks, Lois
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