New Here....
Hi Keli, welcome to this board! We are very friendly and helpful here - you end up becoming part of a large family where we all have this surgery in common. It is very natural to have jitters and be scared at the last minute but it is so worth it. On the day of surgery I was so calm my husband was worried because I had never had surgery before.... I think he still expected me to back out at the last moment knowing my aversion to pain and the unknown....but I just decided to put my faith in the surgeon's hands and was very calm...... it is the single best thing I have ever done for myself.... and will be the best present you will have given yourself also.
Good luck for Monday!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!
Nita- I have to be there at 0830 and have a start time of 1030. I should be able to go home on Wednesday morning. I saw you at the support group and at the nutrition class I think. I do know that I sat in front of you in the 3.5 hour class... you seem to have it all together and be so calm... that is what I have noticed about you everytime I see you. I am so nervous today that I keep going from extreme excitment and hope to full blown tears.... I wish that I could just stop thinking about it and get it done already. Anyways... maybe we will see each other at registration or if not feel free to track me down at the hospital and we can be buddies if you want... email me if you want and I will give you my cell number. It is so great to have someone I have at least "seen" going in on the same day at the same place...