New Group Name
Thank you so much for co-ordinating, Melinda! And for the pictures as well. Don't we all look GREAT?
PS: Do you have user names for Mary Jo/Michael, Jean/Michael and Sue/Linda? Also, please remind me of the woman from Lynchburg's name--the one who is a group leader and lost 275 pounds. It took all my mental focus to remember Mary Jo and Jean .
Thanks again! Hope to see you soon in Madison Heights.
Hello All, you would not believe my day. I WAS in Charoletsville, a little late, but there.
but I just couldnt find the ponderosa. My kids were driving me nuts So.....
I ended going shopping and found a really cute skirt, and guess what size I fit into???? DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!! a 12
hope every one had a great time!
Sorry we missed you; but I can SOOOOOOO relate to the "driving me nuts " comment. I tried to get the little ones to take a nap in route, not very sucessfully I might add, but on the way back they were snoozin. I told Holly, "Its wild how much quicker this trip seems when they're all asleep!!!" :sleep" Congrats on your new skirt too!!
Thanks Keith,
I enjoyed looking at the pics. You, Holly and everyone else look so fantastic! I wish that I could have been there. My boys were so rotten yesterday. I guess they figured out that I was just about to loose it because I heard the older one say to the younger one..."come on, lets be good now and listen so we can have some Kohr's brothers ice cream" That is when the two angels replaced my two heathens and made my afternoon much nicer. And yes, I did get them some ice cream. I am such a sucker...