My new niece is here!!!

Ms Court
on 9/26/06 9:09 pm - Remington, VA
I am up early this morning just estatic at the arrival of my new niece. Kaitlin Marie arrived last night at 9:31 p.m. weighing in at 7 lbs 6 oz. She is absolutely beautiful. After a long hard day of labor my sister gave me a most precious gift. I was the first member of the family other than my sister and her husband to hold Kaitlin. Wow what an awesome feeling. I can't even begin to describe what I feel. Both mommy and baby are doing fine. I can't wait to get there today to see her and love her and kiss her and spoil her rotten. Courtney
(deactivated member)
on 9/26/06 9:27 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi Courtney, is this your first niece? It sounds like you are going to be a fantastic auntie. When I had my daughters my sister was unmarried, young, had a fun job (a flight attendant) and she just spoiled my daughters rotten. And continues to do so even as she has had her own family now. But my daughters just idolized her. She was like a big friend to them. I was thankful they had that relationship, much more fun than a mom!! And just last month when my daughter Kim was visiting we were talking about how 'Auntie took you guys everywhere (I would put them on an airplane and some of her flight attendant friends would watch them and Karen would pick them up at the other end!!)' and my daughter said 'no one had an auntie like our auntie!! When my sister hears that it always brings tears to her eyes. So I know the special relationship that is going to be yours. You're lucky!! Have fun. Congratulations to you and your family and welcome to the world sweet little Kaitlin Marie!! love donna
Ms Court
on 9/26/06 10:53 pm - Remington, VA
Thanks Donna. I have 10 step nieces & nephews but Kaitlin is my first blood niece. Our family is so blessed. Courtney
Christina R.
on 9/26/06 10:32 pm - Reston, VA
Congratulations Auntie Courtney!! Enjoy spoiling them! I have 3 nieces and adore being their Auntie. This is the beginning of a wonderful part of your life and a fun relationship with Kaitlin. Christina S
Ms Court
on 9/26/06 10:54 pm - Remington, VA
Thanks Christina. This is definitely going to be special & wonderful and I am so excited. Courtney
Sharon Q.
on 9/26/06 10:44 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, congrats AUNTIE COURT!!!!!!!!!!!! I was lucky enough to be in the room for the births of my sisters girls. There is nothing more intensely awesome than witnessing the birth of any child, but especially one related to you. I was pregnant both funny is that, so had my own births to look forward to while looking on. These are experiences I will treasure forever, and my relationships with my nieces are amazing!!!!!!!! You'll have your own one day...........keep the faith girly!!! XOXOXOOXOXOOXOXOXO Sharon
Ms Court
on 9/26/06 10:55 pm - Remington, VA
Thanks Sharon. It was definitely something I have never experienced before and I will treasure forever. Courtney
(deactivated member)
on 9/26/06 11:23 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Wahooo!! I know how excited you were waiting on this exciting event!! Congratulations Auntie!!! And congratulations to you sister and brother in law!! Have fun today!! I know you will be an awesome Aunt!! Jackie
Ms Court
on 9/26/06 11:30 pm - Remington, VA
Thanks Jackie. I am sitting here counting the minutes til lunch time so I can rush over on my lunch break and love on her. Courtney
on 9/26/06 11:51 pm - Barboursville, VA
Congrats Auntie Courtney seeing a birth is the most awsome experience my son is adopted but I had the pleasure years ago watching the birth of a good friends baby it was just awsome. So I know your excited, I have 1 nephew and find myself always getting something for him. So does this mean we will see ya Sat? Hope so. Have fun w/ the new baby.
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