A snowball's chance in .........?

(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 9:11 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
....uh, ooopsie?? [blonde tilt] ...after all that proofing I did, I still messed up the post and put the WRONG link for the convention. Let's try this again, shall we? http://www.obesityhelp.com/events/october2006_lexington.html .
on 9/19/06 9:36 pm - VA
I am so jealous!!! I pulled into a gas station 2 days ago - and was crying to fillerup at $2.18!!! I am estatic about this recent unexpected turn of events- NEVERthought I'd be so happy to see gas at 2 bucks a gallon!!! Oh- and while you are planning in advance, January 19-21 is the Winter Conference & Disco Ball- details & regisitration info will be out by 1st week of Feb. Also- I am talking to Monica about OH hoosting a Nov '07 event in VA Beach...so start that excitement growing too!! Hope to see you soon. I'd love to go to KY, but no way I can get away that weekend David
(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 9:58 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
G'morning David ~ My son (Keoni) and I did a loooooooooong cross country trip to Oklahoma last year over Labor Day weekend. Gas was it's absolute HIGHEST back then - hell, when redneckville OKLAHOMA is selling it at $3.20 a gallon, you know the rest of the states are even higher. Dontcha' know when I saw that sign yesterday (before taking the photo-op) I not only pumped that tank to the brim, but I also treated it to PREMIUM gas at $2.18. Wooohoo, we bad, we bad - struttin' all the way to the gas pump! Hey??? Y ou're not planning that ($*%&)$&%^& 2007 conference to celebrate the fact that ya'll will be RID of me, are you? That's gonna suck to have to miss it, but we'll be in transit to our new home - where ever that ends up being, Hawaii or Oklahoma. You KNOW I'll be at the January event it's the BEST most cost effective way to meet so many people on the journey and from our state. Besides, when else will I be able to pull out my disco attire from the late 70's ...it's a shame Paul can't be there, he'd look cute with a big ol' FRO, dontcha' think? My first husband permed his hair, back in the day, complete with silky unbottoned shirts and platform heels [shudder]. Wish we could see you in 'TUCKY, will just have to dance one in your honor! ~ Lei
(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 10:09 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
OH .. and David .. the vendors are calling in left and right .. January is going to be such a success .. as they always are ... whoooo hooo so many great things coming our way in 07 ....
(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 10:12 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Good morning Lei - I am hoping to be able to go, I'll know more for sure this weekend. I know Jackie is going, she's already booked!! I love these decisive people!! Lei, I am only going to send this once, so please read it the first time!!! Love donna
(deactivated member)
on 9/20/06 8:26 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
lol - I read it, I read it, honest!!! I really hope you can go too - now that I have a "for sure" from Patty, I'm going to BOOK mine today too! Okay okay, so I'm not as decisive as Jackie, but surely I'm a close second? Hope the doctor gives you clearance and you know I'll be peekin' for an answer on Monday. Love - Lei
(deactivated member)
on 9/20/06 6:43 am - Henrico, VA
Hey Girlie, Well, I informed my boss that I will be taking leave on that Thursday and Friday, so count me in. I too think it would be a good idea to stay at the hotel where the conference is......2,3,4 in a room...doesn't matter to me.....the more the merrier! Hey, I saw $2.13 for gas on my way home from work......makes me want to go drive just so I can fill up again...how crazy is that! You can see most gas prices on www.gasbuddy.com. I have been checking it everyday. Cn't wait to see you all again.....I am definitely getting excited!!!! Hugs, Patty
(deactivated member)
on 9/20/06 8:30 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
G'morning Patty - Sounds GREAT, I'm going to go ahead and BOOK the convention TODAY (so no backing out now, missy ma'am!) Don't forget to book it before the 27th so you can get BOTH days for the price of ONE. This way if we decide to show up for a little bit of the morning events, but don't stay for the entire thing, we won't feel like we've wasted the entry fee. Do you want me to book the room with Raddisson? I agree, I think we should just stay there and just divide the expense for three days (Thurs, Fri & Sat). It's gonna be a lot easier then driving to and from the convention, several times a day. Let me know if you want ME to book the room and charge it to my card, dont want to do that if you're going to as well. I don't mind, I have the time - just need a yay or nay, from you. Can't wait - whod'a thunk this could come together so FAST? As of this past weekend this trip wasnt even a fleeting thought (I blame Dame Tooter/Ruth and Amy) Tag you're it - lemme know and I'll get busy on the hotel. Lei
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/06 2:07 am - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Posting here too, in case the EMAIL doesnt make it to you Hey gorgeous!!!! Uh - you're probably gonna read my post to the board this morning and wonder if I added just a wee bit too much peroxide to the blonde this time? Sheeez, trust me, I really DO read email(s) before I even start posting - or at least I sort 'em by priority, so if I had seen one from you, I would have HAD all the answers to my questions and not posted them in my response. Sorry - I have a new laptop (just got it last night) and although I love it to pieces, I hate all the flippin' fine tuning and tweaking that comes with RESETTING it up. Havent a clue why Outlook Express is sending 90% of my mail to the SPAM folder, but that's where almost everyone ended up. LOL, I was startin' to think I didn't have NO friends and no one luver'd me anymore and then BAM - just as I come two steps from falling into a bowl full of chocolate (great depression/stress reliever) ...I opted to click on this new email button thingie that said "spam/junk" mail and there ALL of you were. Anyway - just wanted you to know that I DID get your email and your confirmation on booking the room, so I WON'T book another. I still don't know if Wendy will make it, she'll probably be a last second decision, kinda thing. Just know for sure, I'm going!!! Gonna book my conference reservation as soon as I hit enter on this email. I'll also post this to the message board under one of your posts so you know I did get it, in case my server has an attitude issue with actually DELIVERING my mail. Had all kinds of problems last week trying to get personal mail to Sharon Q. Wow - can't wait, this is really gonna be FUN and as much as I hate that my husband is deploying soon, all these "preplanned activities" with great friends is gonna help those six months to speed by. Hey? Sure I can't talk you into joining us on the October Cruise, too? Gawd, what fun we could have. IT's never too late, doesn't depart Norfolk till October 8th. Love - Lei Pssst... Im hoping by just replying to your email that my computer now knows you're not SPAM. Although I have to tell you, I really really LOVE spam - have four cans of it in my cabinets and Im the only one that eats it. Paul hates the stuff, and Keoni's moved out.
Amber B.
on 9/20/06 11:50 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
It's so funny, Lei, that you posted this because I was going to post that Gas has finally made it to ONEderland, hahahahah! Don't you love it? The WAWA's on Virginia Beach BLVD between Kings Grant and Great Neck are the cheapest in the City I think. I fill up every week there. Amber
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