A snowball's chance in .........?

(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 8:40 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
G'morning ALL ~ Well, it would appear that the snowball does indeed stand a chance in Hades, as is apparent with this photo! You know it's caught me OFF guard when I feel the need to take a photo and share with others, huh? This was taken here in Virginia Beach, how are the prices in YOUR neck of the woods? Never thought we'd drop below the 2-sies, much less the 3-sies and NO, I don't mean in pounds weighed. http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8AcNWjdq5cNmav The extreme upside to this? It's just in time for our road trip to the Kentucky (Lexington) Regional OH Convention next month. I hear there are quite a few of us heading that way, are you? Hope gas prices are coming down for all of you as well and maybe it's enough reason to justify that road trip to the conference to meet friends, old and new. Oh and in cse you're interested and didn't know this? If you PRE-register before next Wednesday, Sept. 27th, you get BOTH days for the price of one @ $85.00. Awesome deal. Conference link: http://obesityhelp.com/events/october2006_rancho.html Lei Psssst... Ruth (Dame Tooter) Lynda M., Charlie C., Patty in VA, Donna Mae, Natalie, Wendy G. etc., are ya'll ready to take the plunge and BOOK this thing? I'll be booking mine this week, wooohooooo!!! Psssst-2.... If you live in the VA Beach area, those gas prices can be found at several gas stations ON Rosemount, just off VA Beach Blvd going south. Psssst - 3 ....Share the gas prices in YOUR area of the state, maybe we can help a fellow neighbor out by saving cash at the pump. .
(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 8:54 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Well , I would be doing you all more harm than good in posting the gas prices around here . I have learned to take the train for long trips around town .. even with them falling , it still is CRAZYYYY ... I will be booking my trip to Lexington as soon as I hear from NIH . I suspect I will be going as they told me it would be the first week in November .. so I could go .. I just talked to Patty this morning and I will drive in to meet you all In Richmond somewhere ... and it just hit me that the hotel is where the convention is .. so we would want to stay there right >?> I am hoping that we all can share some space together to cut the hotel cost .. I am sure we will work this all out later .. It will be good times for sure .. Did you know that AMY WILLIAMS is my surgery sister .. we had surgery the same day and same year .. and it has been our dream to one day meet one another and now it looks like that will come true for the both of us .. I am hoping to talk her in to coming to Richmond in January to speak here . What an inspiration she would be for us .. what an honor . Well .. I am off to go start the day .. enjoy yours sweety .!!! Hugs, Nat
(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 9:06 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
WOW - that's fantastic news (you being able to go!!) and methinks at this rate, we're gonna have a CARAVAN heading to 'Tucky!!!!! I might end up driving too if we need more car space - I actually get really good mileage which will help with the overall expenses. As far as staying AT the hotel with the convention, I think that's not a bad idea at all, especially since one of Patty's post said it would be $119 a night - that's cheap divided by 2, 3, 4...? Uh, how many peeps can fit in a room I wonder? LOL Hey Nat? Can your discounts/connections beat that rate? hmmmm? Have a great day, gorgeous, love ya - Lei
(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 9:14 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
I just checked and it is not on my corporate listing .. go fig .. but that is still not bad if we cut it 3 or 4 ways . I am sure we could get as many as we wanted in there LOL .. I am too excited ... Well .. keep me a posted on the plans . Hugs, Nat
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/06 3:32 pm - Yakima, WA
They are queen sleep number beds and they allow up to 5 in a room And I AM SOOOO FREAKIN' THRILLED!!!
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/06 8:46 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Girl, we are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of da' game - already have a room booked with two queen beds and four potential babes (was gonna say bodies, but that sounded kinda morbid) ...but Patty, Natalie, Wendy and myself. Figure after spending 6 days on a cruise with 8 ladies, and the rooms arent much bigger then closets -- then four chicklets in a hotel room will feel like the Royal Palace. I registered for the conference yesterday - it's a done deal. How about YOU, are you registered, missy? hmmm?
(deactivated member)
on 9/22/06 3:25 am - Yakima, WA
Oh my yes, I'm 100% registered and ready to go NOW lol. You think I'd miss this opportunity? The only thing that would keep me from coming at this point would be a major calamity (and I'm praying those hold off until I get home or am GONE and can't do anything about it ). Yeah - the room at the Rad ought to seem palacial after the cruise! I've never been on a cruise, but I've toured a ship and even the nicer rooms as tiny lol. Ah well - not supposed to be IN the room much, eh? I hope you have fun!
Amy Williams
on 9/23/06 8:04 am
Surgery buds unite! Can't wait to meet you FINALLY! Amy
Susan E.
on 9/19/06 8:54 pm - Purcellville, VA
Hi Lei, When is this convention? I could only find the California info on the link you posted. As for gas in area, 2.45 a gallon is the average but the last two weekends I have gone to Richmond and we have filled up at the Sheets in Haymarket both times for 2.05 a gallon. On another note, did you get a sweet little package in the mail yesterday? I did. Yahooooo, Feel'in Hot HOT HOT!, Cant wait! Susan
(deactivated member)
on 9/19/06 9:10 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Yah yah yah, not enough coffee this morning, methinks? Can't believe after all that typing and proofing, I use the WRONG convention link! [blonde tilt] Here ya' go, girlfriend, this should work: [crossing fingers] http://www.obesityhelp.com/events/october2006_lexington.html WOWOWOW - you got your cruise package?!?!? No, I havent gotten mine yet, but dont'cha know Im going to be tackling the mailman today? He delivers on the other side of the street first, makes it back to my side about an hour later - I think I'll walk across the street with my hand extended - big enough hint to the guy? Can't believe it, we're going on a cruise in LESS then 3 weeks, my firstest one EVER - and we're gonna be swimming with the Stingrays. Life is awesome! Hugs - Lei .
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